1st Amendment Part 2 - Freedom of Religion Flashcards
What is the relationship between the 1st and 14th amendments with regards to freedom of religion?
the establishment and free exercise clauses are incorporated against the states through the 14th amendment
What is the “free exercise clause”?
The free exercise clause prohibits gov interference with religious BELIEFS, but generally does NOT prohibit general conduct. (but see exceptions)
Examples –>
- gov can’t force EE’s to take religious oaths
- govs can’t exclude clerics from holding office
- courts cannot declare a religious belief to be false
- gov cannot refuse unemployment benefits to someone who quit their job for religious reasons
What qualifies as a “religious belief” for the purpose of the “free exercise” clause?
Not defined, but need not be organized or involve supreme being.
What is the standard of scrutiny with regards to “free exercise clause”?
Technically, it’s strict scrutiny.
HOWEVER –> gov has never found compelling enough interests to justify discrimination.
What is the issue that arises with free exercise clause and conduct?
In General:
- Free exercise clause DOES NOT require religious exemptions from generally applicable regulations that burden religious conduct
-banning peyote OK even if it affects indigenous religious conduct
- imposing unwanted minister (employment)
- amish schooling
What is the “establishment clause”?
- compels gov to act neutrally to religion
- From 1st amendment - “prohibits the gov from making any law respecting the establishment of a religion”
What is the standard of review for the “establishment clause”?
Action will be INVALID unless:
- has a SECULAR purpose;
- has primary EFFECT that neither advances nor inhibits religion;
- does not produce eXcessive gov entanglement with religion
(SEX test)
What is the rule re: “establishment clause” and sect preference?
-violates establishment clause unless NECESSARY to achieve a COMPELLING state interest
(court won’t even reach SEX (lemon) test)
With regards to the “establishment clause”, what is the general rule of thumb with regards to cases that DON’T involve financial aid or education?
Law favoring/burdening specific religious group –> will be invalid
- Example –>
1. exempting certain religious groups from state registration requirements
2. requiring employers to give sabbath off
3. christmas display of only religious symbols
Law favoring/burdening a large segment of society that happens to include religious groups –> will be upheld
- Example –>
1. stores closing on sunday
2. christmas display including all holidays
3. displaying 10 commandments when purpose is not predominately religious
With regards to the “establishment clause” - what is the rule with regards to aid to colleges or hospitals?
- will be UPHELD as long as the program requires aid to be used for NONRELIGIOUS purposes, and recipient agrees
With regards to the “establishment clause” - what is the rule with regards to aid to grade schools or high schools?
- SEX test will be more strictly applied.
- will usually pass “secular purpose” but may fail on excessive entanglement if there are detailed regs to prevent advancement of religion
With regards to the “establishment clause” - what is the rule regarding recipient based aid?
Gov may give aid to DEFINED CLASS OF PERSONS as long as the class is defined without reference to religion.
- this is true even if most people receiving aid will use it to attend religiously affiliated school.
With regards to the “establishment clause” - what is the rule regarding religious activities in public schools?
School SPONSORED religious activity —> Invalid (even if voluntary
- Example –>
1. ending classes early for voluntary religious lessons;
2. prayer, bible reading, posting 10 commandments in school or football games
3. requiring creation science to be taught
School ACCOMMODATION of religious activity –> OK
Example –>
1. ending classes early to allow children to go to off school religious classes;
2. Allowing religious student groups to meet in unused classrooms as would any group
ALSO, if a school permits members of public and private to use school property after hours, it cannot deny religious organization right to meeting merely bc religious topics will be discussed