1GB2: Rural Fieldwork Flashcards
What type of site is Chillington?
Key settlement
Village with facilities, services, employment opportunities
What type of site is Slapton?
Located within south devon
No large vehicle can pass through village
Less demand for services
Hypothesis: the quality of the environment will be better…
What methods can be used to work this out?
Tranquility survey
Housing type survey
What presentation was used to present the tranquility survey?
A chloropleth map to show tranquility scores for each location
Hypothesis: service decline has been greater in…
What methods can be used to identify?
Functional change
How was secondary data used when trying to see where there was the most service decline?
Historical maos with services of each of the villages
Pictures of different housing
What presentation was used to present functional change?
A compound bar graph
Hypothesis: residents of _______ will have a more positive perception of their village
What methods can be used to identify?
Place chek analysis
Epitome words
What presentation was used to present epitome words?
Word clouds - positive and negative for each of the locations
What is the tranquility survey?
Students counted the positive and negative visual and sound factors from each location
Whole village was samples from different groups of students
What was the functional change method?
Students counted different land uses or services in area
Location with biggest decline was slapton
Bar graph representation of all different services provided in each
What was the epitome words collation?
Students asked people in each settlement for epitome words
Qualitative data
Lots of synonyms (tranquil, peaceful, quiet)
Not enough people
Dwages consideratio not taken