1D Changes in culture Flashcards
What sound became the defining sound of the 1920’s?
Rooted in black American traditional sounds, it became the defining sound of cities in the 1920s.
Name some examples of the Jazz age.
Live musicians, such as Louis Armstrong, and dances, such as the Charleston, rose to fame as they performed in speakeasies.
Why did the Jazz age become so popular?
Availability of radio and records meant people could listen at home.
What was Harlem?
Harlem was a predominantly black neighborhood in New York and became the hub for an explosion in new black American culture.
What was Harlem the Home of?
Harlem was the home of jazz speakeasies such as the Cotton Club. Some black Americans decried white “tourism” into Harlem as white middle-class young people visited the clubs.
Give an example of 2 black intellectuals
Alain Locke and Langston Hughes.
What association was associated with the Harlem Renaissance?
The New Negro was associated with the Harlem Renaissance and championed black separatism. Marcus Garvey advocated mass migration to Africa.
This was opposed by the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP).
When was the NAACP started?
NAACP was started in 1909 by W.E.B. Du Bois and others.
Name a singer from the Harlem Renaissance
Blanche Calloway was a singer, composer, and bandleader of the 1920s and 30s, and was the first woman to lead an all-male orchestra (Blanche Calloway and Her Joy Boys).
Name a danger and singer from the Harlem renaissance.
Josephine Baker, American-born French dancer and singer who symbolized the beauty and vitality of Black American culture, which took Paris by storm in the 1920s. Famous for wearing a banana-skirt - which reinforced racial stereotypes.
What was the making of Harlem?
The Marking of Harlem was an essay written in 1925 by James Weldon Johnson which celebrated this rebirth of black American culture and identity.
Give some examples of American literature and there writer?
Writers such as: Ernest Hemingway (The Sun Also Rises); Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby); Sinclair Lewis (Babbitt)
wrote from a perspective of disillusionment at the materialistic US society focused on economic growth. Their work was widely admired.
What where the roaring 20’s a time of?
a time of fads, fun and entertainment.
How many radios sales change from 1923 to 1929?
Sales went from $60 million 1923 to $842 million by 1929.
How many people tuned in to a boxing match in 1927?
Who was this between?
50 million tuned in to a boxing match between Tunney and Dempsey in 192
How did sport change?
. As watching sport became a popular past time, advertising and sponsorship deals for sports stars made them into celebrities.
How much did Baseball star Babe Ruth make?
made over $800,000.
Give an example of segregation in sport?
The Negro National Baseball League formed in 1920.
How did cinema change in the 1920’s?
Who was a famous film star who rose to fame?
moved from silent movie to sound in 1927, and the industry was based in Hollywood by 1920s
Film stars such as Charlie Chaplin rose in fame.
How many people watched films per day?
Hugely popular with up to 10 million watching films a day.
Why where people concerned with cinema?
Concern from conservative, traditional areas of society that cinema would lead to moral corruption.