1a Learning Theory Flashcards
What is classical conditioning?
A process that creates an association between a naturally existing stimulus and a previous neutral one
Define the following:
a. Unconditioned Stimulus
b. Conditioned Stimulus
c. Unconditioned Response
d. Conditioned Response
a. Unconditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that elicits a reflexive or innate response (UCR) without prior learning
b. Conditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that, through association with a UCS, comes to elicit a conditioned response similar to the original UCR
c. Unconditioned Response
A reflexive or innate response that is elicited by a stimulus (UCS) without prior learning
d. Conditioned Response
A response elicited by a conditioned stimulus
What is stimulus generalisation?
A tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar, but not identical, to a conditioned stimulus – it will elicit a conditioned response but in a weaker form
What is stimulus discrimination?
The ability to respond differently to various stimul
What is extinction?
A process in which the CS is presented repeatedly in the absence of the UCS, causing the CR to weaken and eventually disappear
Give brief descriptions of two iconic studies into classical conditioning
Pavlov’s Dogs – dogs would start salivating (UCR) when they were brought food (UCS). Then a bell was rung every time before the food was brought to them. Then they started salivating (CR) every time the bell was rung (CS)
Watson & Rayner (Little Albert) - infant would cry (UCR) when a loud metal bar was hit (UCS). Neutral stimuli (white rat, a rabbit, a dog, a monkey, masks) would be placed in front of the infant and every time he touched one of them, the researchers would bang the metal bar behind him with a hammer to make a loud sound. The infant then would start cry (CR) every time they researchers put any of the previously neutral stimuli in front of him (CS)
What is operant conditioning?
A process in which behaviour is learned and maintained by its consequence
Define the following:
a. Reinforcement
b. Reinforcer
c. Punishment
d. Punisher
a. Reinforcement = response strengthened by outcome that follows
b. Reinforcer = outcome/ stimulus that increases response frequency
c. Punishment = response weakened by outcome that follows
d. Punisher = outcome/ stimulus that decreases response frequency
What is operant extinction?
The weakening and eventual disappearance of a response because it is no longer reinforced
What are the two types of reinforcement?
Positive = add reinforcer after behaviour/response Negative = removal of aversive/noxious stimulus after behaviour/ response (escape) or active avoidance of noxious stimulus due to behaviour (e.g. if I study I won’t fail)
What are the two types of punishment
Positive = add punisher after behaviour/ response (e.g. spanking) Negative = remove good stimulus after behaviour/ response (e.g. no more ice cream because they kids used bad language)
What are the four schedules of partial reinforcement?
- Fixed interval schedule – reinforcement occurs after a fixed time interval
- Variable interval schedule – the time interval varies at random around an average
- Fixed ratio schedule – reinforcement is given after a fixed number of responses
- Variable ratio – reinforcement is given after a variable number of responses, all centred around an average
What is continuous reinforcement?
Every instance of behaviour is reinforced
This is learnt more rapidly than partial reinforcement because theassociation is easier to understand
It also means that it extinguishes more rapidly than partial reinforcement because the shift to no reinforcement is sudden and easier to understand
What are secondary reinforcers?
Stimuli that acquire reinforcing properties through their association with primary reinforcers
What is social learning theory?
Learning behaviour through watching and imitating actions of another person or by noting the consequences of another person’s actions
Occurs before direct practice is allowed and to be successful it requires attention, retention, production and motivation
Name and describe an experiment that demonstrated observational learning?
Bobo Doll Experiment (Bandura) – children who watched adults beat up the doll were more violent towards the doll than the children who had observed a non-violent adult
List some factors that influence social learning and some examples of it
Similar age, gender & higher status (wealthy & powerful) = more social learning
Also vicarious reinforcement is a big influencing factor as to whether behaviour observed will be replicated
Examples include peer pressure and youth smoking, obsessive dieting & extremely thin models on magazines