1980's- The impact of Thatcherism on Society Flashcards
What was one the aims of the sale of council houses?
- Turn Britain into a property owning democracy. opportunity for W/C to better themselves.
- > Social mobility
What did the housing act of 1980 do?
-gave tenants the right to buy their council house
-received discount between 33% and 50% -Time dependent
=> incentivise buying
What were the positives of the sale of council houses?
- Social mobility => opportunity for W/C to better themselves
- Provided gov with revenue stream
- 2 mil homeowners due to scheme by ‘98
What were the negatives consequences of the sale of council houses?
-sale was predominantly in better off areas - worse impact on less desirable states
- gov used profits to reduce debt.Not reinvest into social housing
- -> Number of houses to rent decreased
–> housed in emergency B&B accommodation (expensive for gov)
What was the response from trade unions over Thatcher’s economic reforms?
Aroused hostility, unions became more militant
What were the two clauses of the industrial relations Act?
- (1980) secondary picketing was outlawed
- (1984) Strike Ballots
What did rupert murdoch do regarding unions?
Reduce the power of the print unions
How did Thatcher view the Miners?
As ‘The enemy Within’
Was the government powerful enough to take on the miners in the early 80’s?
How did the government prevent closure of mines in ‘81?
-By reducing the amount of coal imported ( protecting domestic industry and subsidy to the NCB)
How was the government in a stronger position to take on the miners in ‘84?
- Stockpiling of coal
- Flow of North sea Oil –> energy crisis less likely (unlike ‘73)
- Chairman of NCB: Ian Mcgregor had gov backing
- Summer time striking –> coal needed less
–> All meant that Miners had less of a grip over gov unlike in 70’s
What did the NCB reveal in 1984? What did Scargill claim?
-plan 20 pits to be closed , Scargill claimed 70
Why were there regional divisions between Miners?Example?
-divided over extent of miltantancy
- E.g Notts miners formed a breakaway union
- -> Union of democratic mineworkers (UDM) - Labelled scabs traitors
Why was Scargill Criticised?
- People Believed Scargill only cared about Left Wing politics rather than welfare of miners
What was a factor in the downfall of the miners /NUM?
- Police:Better tactics, new equipment and experience of riot control
How was the Role of the police criticized under Thatcher in dealing with the miners?
- Thatchther accused on politicizing the police (Police were he own political tool)
- used to quash the miners instead of being impartial
What was significant about the Battle of Orgreave in ‘84
- 5000 picketers , 8000 police –> violent confrontations
- 50 picketers and 70 police were injured
- Timing: Strikes in Summer –>Less demand for Coal, therefore miners energy crisis less liklley. Miners less intimidating
What was another factor for the defeat of the NUM?
- Scargill: Alienated Moderate supporters
- didn’t have Lab party support
- Demonised as a revolutionary by gov
How was the outcome for Scragil and the miners a failure?
- Employment still falling ( 60,000 in ‘90)
- power of the unions reduced (Acts)
- Unimbebemership only 2/3 in 90’ compared to ‘79
=> Ability for the unions/ miners to intimidate gov was gone (due stocks and oil)
What was the poll tax and what were it’s aims ?
-Aim: Reform local gov finances
–> make local councils more accountable to electors by ensuring everyone contributed the same amount
Why was Poll tax seen as unfair?
-Hard to justify why a pensioner should pay the same as a millionaire
How was Poll tax received?
- Immediately unpopular
- Anti Poll tax unions set up
- Anti Poll tax demonstrations e.g trafalgar Square ‘90 –> RIOT (200,000 people - 5000 injured)
What effect did Poll tax have on Thatcher’s reputation?
- Emphasised Southern bias as it disproportionately affected the North W/C towns
- Added to the idea of how out of touch Thatcher was
What did Thatcher do to high education?
-Spending cuts
How was Thatcher portrayed in the Arts?
- Arts tended to be Anti Thatcher
- TV programmes showed the negative social consequences of Thatcherite policies - e.g ‘Boys from the Black stuff’
What was the Church’s stance on the Thatcher government?
- Called on gov to help deprived communities
- Bishops were openly critical of Thatcher e.g David Sheppard
Why was the CND revived?
-Thatcher backed the policy of deterrence and stepping up of the arms race
What is an example of renewed activity from the CND
‘79 American cruise missiles stationed in England
–> CND organised mass Marches
Why was there increased awareness over the environment in the 80’s ?
- Environmental disasters , e.g Chernobyl
- Dircet action groups such as greenpeace