Cranial Nerves - Visual Pathways Flashcards
Each side of the brain deals with the contralateral or ipsilateral visual field or both?
Contralateral visual field
Damage to the temporal lobe can damage what type of visual fibers?
What info are they carrying?
The sublenticular fibers
Carrying info from the Upper Visual Field (UVF)
Damage to the parietal lobe can damage what kind of visual fibers?
What info do they carry?
Retrolenticular fibers
Fibers carry info from the lower visual fild
The upper visual field projects to what part of the occipital lobe?
The lingual gyrus
The lower visual field projects to what part of the occipital lobe?
The cuneus
Dividing the primary visual cortex in 3rds from anterior to posterior. What do the 3 parts represent
ant to post
The visual association cortex is associated with what functions?
Complexity of vision
-Object recognition and significance, coordination, eye movements
Compare the two visual association cortex projection streams:
Dorsal stream:
projections to parietal and upper temporal cortex. Information about the “where” of a visual stimulus (location, movement, position in space)
Ventral stream:
projections to inferior temporal cortex. Information about the “what” of a visual stimulus (form, color, object recognition, memory)
The general vision pathway travels through the retinal ganlgion cells, the optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, adn then WHERE?
The lateral geniculate nuclei, the optic radiations, and the visual cortex in the occipital lobe
Is the opticc papilla medial or lateral to the macula?
It is medial,
Which is why you have a blindspot in your lateral visual fields
What does it mean to have homonymous visual field damage?
Where in the optic pathway does this happen?
It’s homonymous when it is a defect in one visual field.
This happens anywhere from the optic tract to the cortex itself
What does heternomymous damage to the optic pathway mean?
it means it involves parts of both visual fields - occurs at optic chiasm (and i think the optic nerve as well?)
Does one of the lateral geniculate nuclei recieve info from one visual field? Or both visual fields?
Only the contralateral visual field
| Describe the pathway that faciliates the pupillary response:</p>
Retina - optic nerve, tract, pretectal area Bilaterally to Edinger-WEstfall Nucleus Occulomotor Nerve - ciliary ganglion -Constrictor pupilla muscle</p>
A tumor causing damage to the right Meyer’s loop what cause a pateint to have what visual abnormality?
Blindness in entire upper left visual field
What is the difference between the dorsal and ventral association projection streams?
Dorsal Stream: Info about the “where” of a visual stimulus
Ventral Stream: Info about the “what” of the visual stimulus