19. Constipation Flashcards
The GP has referred Mrs Crabbe because of persistent constipation that has been refractory to primary care management with increased dietary fibre and two laxatives (macrogol and senna). You take a fresh history from Mrs Crabbe about her constipation. What key clues will you look for in her history?
- About the constipation? (2)
- Associated symptoms? (8)
- Risk factors for constipation? (4)
List 7 differentials to consider.
What will you tell Mrs Crabbe? What is the next step?
SPIKES for Colon Cancer
6 Treatment options for constipation?
What are the causes of Hypercalcaemia?
What is the most likely diagnosis? How will Mr Nikolaidis be managed?
What is the pathology?
What are the main advantages and disadvantages of the following methods for visualising colon masses?
1. Rigid sigmoidoscopy?
2. Flexible sigmoidoscopy?
3. Colonoscopy?
4. CT colon?
5. CT colonography?
6. DCBE?
Why is constipation common after surgery?
What staging classifications do you know for colon cancer?
How is the Dukes staging system used for guiding management and prognosis?
Patients often ask what can be done to reduce the risk of colon cancer when one of their family members has been diagnosed with this condition. Do you know of any key studies that have investigated modifiable risk factors for colorectal cancer?