19: Care of Renal Patient - Thompson Flashcards
volume and renal artery stenosis are classified as…
prerenal failure
3 main causes chronic renal failure
Inflammation (post-strep)
*** risk factors renal disease
DM smoking HTN obesity cholesterol African/Eastern FMHx greater than 65 yo
*** how is renal disease connected to LE?
- muscle infarct
- osteoporosis/osteopenia
- poor micorcirculation
- increased FX risk
- tendon rupture
- ESRD - amputation 10x risk (2/3 of these amps die w/i 1st yr)
*** what changes in bone are seen with renal disease?
- phosphorus and calcium INVERSELY related
- RF leads to HIGH Ph
- Pulls calcium out of the bone
what can you do as doctors to protect pt’s kidneys?
- prevent hypotnsionduring surgery
- prevent hypovolemia
- avoid nephrotoxic medicines
- encourage HTN and DM tx compliance
- encourage to quit smoking
*** Meds that clear slowly with RF
some ABX (fluorquinolone)
why does contrast hurt kidneys and what can we do about it?
unclear - hypoperfusion or direct toxicity
there is a higher risk in the already compomised or taking nephrotoxic drugs or dehydrated
observed 48 hr post contrast
hyrdate the pt; pr-med with mucomyst
stop metformin 2 days past contrast (can stop prior if know before-hand)
dialysis risk for fractures?
52% had low trauma fractures
69% has osteopenia
be protective of kidneys
monitor their function
treat renal pt similarly to diabetics
be aware of medicines and renal function