19-20 Flashcards
Karst landforms - sink
stream disappears into underground channel at a fault or enlarged join that has widened from dissolution
Karst landforms- dolines
surface depression from the collapse of an underground system, solution splines or sinkholes formed by dissolution , larger dolines = uvala
Karst landforms- karst towers
found in tropical areas
remnants of thick bedrock sequence of limestone
side slopes almost vertical = cone
Karst landforms- caves
substantial opening in the bedrock that leads to an interior open space except fo rtes entrance a gave cannot be seen form the surface
medium - grottos, larger- rooms, biggest - chambers
Karst landforms-caves stalactites ceiling (chandelier)
passages depend on lithology, structure, faulting and jointing of bedrock
dripping water saturated with dissolved minerals precipitate out of evaporating solution leaving dripstone features stalactites ceiling (chandelier)
fluvioglacial landforms
landforms created by meltwater streams flowing on in and under glacier ice
fluvioglacial landforms - eskers
long sinus mounds of sand/gravel
formed by the clogging of a river course within or under the glacier which deposits the debris after the ice melts
fluvioglacial landforms - kames
mound of unsorted material deposited at or near terminus of a glacier,
fluvioglacial landforms - kettles
large depressions caused by post depositional melting of ice chunks initially buried by outwash material often contain lakes and wetlands
fluvioglacial landforms - drumlins
oval shaped streamlined hill deposits of glacial till, found all over canada
Glacial Mass Balance
the inputs and outputs of mass in a system
positive = glacier advances with steep icy edge
negative = glacier thins and recedes
lag time between change in mass balance and response
Ice classification - active ice,
continuous supply of ice from the accumulation zone (athabasca glacier)
passive ice
discontinuous supply common on mountain sides (dome glaciers)
dead ice
no ice supply, movement depends on valley slope (Kitchener glacier)
Landform features resulting from glacier movement - Glacial valley /trough
u shaped steep straight valley walls