18 Risk Flashcards
How would you define ‘risk’?
What is risk management?
Explain to your client the benefits of following a risk management strategy.
What types of risk are there?
How can you identify risk on a project?
Why do you need to monitor risk?
Explain the principles of risk analysis.
What are the benefits of formally analysing risk?
What is a risk register?
What would you expect to see in a risk register?
Explain how a risk workshop works.
What are the main ways of dealing with risk?
Who should own risk?
What is the Monte Carlo Simulation?
How can the principles of risk management be used to control the uncertainty of project delivery?
What contractual mechanisms in JCT contracts protect the client against risk?
What contractual mechanisms in NEC contracts protect the client against risk?
How has risk been mitigated on one of your projects?
How is risk managed in large building projects?
What typically are the client’s risks on a project?
How can a client minimise his risk?
Is it possible to pass all the risk to a contractor?
Explain to your client who is best placed to act as a risk manager on a project.
What risks are associated with the main types of procurement?
How is risk included in a contract sum?
How would you go about calculating a project contingency?
The value of a contingency sum may depend on:
- Complexity of the project
- Risk of unforeseen works
- How developed the design is
- Assessment of the client’s budget
- Previous projects of a similar nature
- A percentage figure will then usually be agreed with the client based on the above factors
- Alternatively, the sum of quantitative items on a risk register may be more appropriate to use
What are the main dangers of using a lump sum percentage based contingency?
How do you generally expect risk to be dealt with in a feasibility estimate?
How do you generally expect risk to be dealt with in a cost plan?
What is Cost/Schedule Quantitative Risk Analysis and how does it work?
If a client is worried about the non-performance of a contractor, what can he do to protect himself?
What are the risks associated with either a performance bond or a parent company guarantee?
What risk does a collateral warranty protect against and who is it protecting?
Explain the concept of the phrase ?reasonably foreseen by a competent and experienced contractor?.
If a client has transferred design responsibility to the contractor, how can he be sure that he is protected against a faulty design in the event of the contractor going into liquidation?
What sort of risks can be covered by insurances?
How do the New Rules of Measurement deal with risk?
How is a risk register used in the post contract phase of a project?