15 Collateral Warranties_TP Rights Flashcards
What is a collateral warranty?
Who might want a collateral warranty and who are the parties to the warranty?
What are the advantages of using collateral warranties?
What are the disadvantages of using collateral warranties?
What different collateral warranties are you aware of?
Outline some of the typical clauses you would expect to see in a collateral warranty.
What clauses limiting the liability of the warrantor would you expect to find in a collateral warranty?
What is a net contribution clause?
Give an example of how the absence of a net contribution clause within an appointment may be a business risk?
What are step-in rights?
Does a warrantor have to take instruction from the third party?
How many assignments are usually permitted by a collateral warranty?
Explain to your client what rights and obligations he will typically have as a third party under a collateral warranty.
Give an example of where collateral warranties have been used on one of your projects.
What are reliance letters?
How do reliance letters differ from collateral warranties?
Are reliance letters contractually binding?
What can one do if the information within a reliance letter happens to be wrong?
What information typically goes into a reliance letter?
What is the significance of the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act?
What is the difference between collateral warranties and rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act?
Does the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act apply to consultant appointments?
What are the advantages of using the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act?
What are the disadvantages of using the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act?
Which of the standard forms of contract make reference to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act?
How is a third party given rights in a contract under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act?
Does the use of a collateral warranty automatically exclude the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act from a contract?
If a third party is not named in the contract, do they still have any rights as a result of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act?
Explain how the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act has been used on one of your projects.
A developer is about to enter into a design and build contract on a project to build and sell an office block. What advice would you give him in respect of warranties?
A funder has a collateral warranty in respect of the main contract on a project. The employer on the project goes into liquidation. What is the funder?s likely position?
Your client is building a new sewage treatment works using design and build procurement. He is unsure if he should be requesting collateral warranties from any of the sub-contractors on the project. Give him some advice.
Your client is not sure whether or not to use collateral warranties or to rely on the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act. Give him some advice.