1770's Flashcards
When were the Townshend duties repealed?
1770 - bar the one on tea
What happened in 1771?
Colonial correspondence in Boston to decide if Britain was against them, by 1774 all colonies bar NC and Pennsylvania had one
What was the 1773 tea act?
India could trade directly to U.S, cheaper tea, cheaper than other tea, could collect more duty this way as it was cheaper than smuggled tea
Why was there opposition to the tea act and what happened?
Americans felt that it was another attempt at parliamentary taxation, NY & Pennsylvania sent tea back, Charleston left tea to rot on the dock, agents responsible for collecting duties were intimidated and resigned
What happened at the Boston Tea party?
December 1773 - £100k of tea thrown into harbour, admiral Montagu didnt open fire from warship and troops stationed near castle william didn’t fire, staunch friends of colonists in Britain felt that it was criminal
Which of the 1774 Coercive act impacted Massachusetts directly?
Boston port act closed the port until all destroyed tea had been paid for, mass govt act allowed royal governor to appoint and remove colonial officials, town meetings couldn’t be held without his permission
What were the other coercive acts?
Partial administration of justice act provided to the transfer to Britain of murder trials, new quartering act gave broader authority to military commanders seeking to house their troops, Quebec act placed authority in hands of a governor w/out elected assembly and limited trial by jury
What did the colonies do in reaction to the Boston port act, and what was the effect of this?
Would boycott British trade until the act was repealed, impacted America more than britain, colonial assemblies denounced the actions of the british govt
What did propaganda persuade americans in regard to?
For need of common action to defend american liberties
When were the Suffolk resolves and what did they suggest?
Sept 1774 - resistance to coercive acts, boycott british trade, colonial armed force, independent colonial govt until britain compromised
What did the Continental congress do?
October 1774 - all colonies bar georgia, endorsed suffolk resolves, trade boycott from Dec 1, Decleration of rights and grievances - denied that colonies subject to parliaments authority, couldn’t raise revenue w/out consent, accept control of trade and rule under crown
What theory did John Locke formulate?
Tabula Rasa (blank slate theory)
What of John Locke’s ideas were colonists popular of?
Social contract theory - against divine right of kings, everyone equal and independent and had right to defend “life, liberty or possessions”
What were inalienable rights?
Rights you couldn’t take away
What did Samuel Adams say in the circular letter?
Taxation without representation challenged their constitutional rights
What did Thomas Jefferson write in the 70’s?
1776 Declaration of independence, ‘A Summary View of the Rights of British America’ - 1774, draft of Virginia constitution in 1776, along with petitions and declaration of congress
What had John Adams done?
Acted as legal defence for soldiers in Boston Massacre, representative of Massachussetts to continental congress, persuaded congress to declare independence
What book was published in 1776?
‘Common Sense’ - Thomas Paine, attacked idea of english constitutional ideas of of hereditary monarchy and privilege, Thomas Paine (not in the book) encouraged Americans to establish a republic
Why were some Americans against Colonial rule?
Tyrannical, they had no representation and loss of liberties
What did Samuel Adams do during the 70’s?
Led resistance in Boston
What were Royal governors replaced with in 1776?
Makeshift rebel governors
What had Rhode Island done in 1776?
Removed oath to crown and removed any mention of king in legislature
Which Colony legislatures told delegates not to be in favour of separation?
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, NJ and NY
What was the Virginia convention’s solution at the 2nd continental Congress?
A proposition for american independence
What had the leaders given up on at the 2nd continental Congress?
Reconciliation with Britain
Who was on the committee set up to work on a draft declaration of independence?
Jefferson (V), John Adams (MAS), Franklin (P), Roger Sherman (CT) and Robert Livingston (NY)
What happened to Colonies who said not to vote for separation?
Delaware and Maryland told to change, NJ ousted governor and Pennsylvania overthrew assembly by radical committee of safety, both told to vote for independence, NY never told delegates to vote for independence
What happened on the first voting day?
9 in favour, SC and P against, Delaware split NY abstained
What happened on the second voting day?
SC changed mind, Penn - Dickinson and Morris didn’t attend, Wilson changed mind and another delegate sent to vote in favour, NY still abstained (next week assembly endorsed congress’ decision)
How did the French initially help the Americans in the revolutionary war?
Secretary gave them gunpowder, weapons and financial support, french volunteers fought for colonists, recognised new American union Feb 1778
Why did france want to join the war?
Revenge after 7 years war, hoped for gains in NA, WI, Gibraltar, Minorca and India
How did France help America win the war?
Joined war June 1778, persuaded spain to join in 1779, england then declared war on Dutch republic 1780, extra 11k men and artillery at Yorktown contributed to British loss, British navy bigger than America but thinly spread
How did British gain support from the colonists?
Some slaves promised freedom if fought for British, some NA ready to fight for British, support from poorer people who hated their rich land lords (who were Patriots)
How successful was the Georgia Campaign for the British?
Dec 1778 - won at Savannah, Jan 1779 - British took Augusta, Mar 1779 - won at briar creek - 400 american casualties
How did the Americans revive their war effort in the south?
General Lincoln had more troops than the British, French helped Americans besieged Savannah sept 1779
What was Lord Dunmore’s war about and how did it finish?
NA attacked settlers when went past treaty lines (upper Ohio valley), NA lost, lost right to hunt in the area, new border was the ohio river
How effective were the articles of confederation?
Basis of govt from 1777 but not ratified until 1781, David Reynolds said it was “a loose association of independent and sovereign states rather than proper national government”, equal representation for all states regardless of size
How did the battle of long island go?
Indefensible for Americans, but Washington forced to stay, 2K casualties (6x more than British), America lost
What happened at the battle of Trenton and Princeton?
Instead of marching onto Philadelphia, Howe went into winter quarters, Washington snuck troops up Trenton, then crossed Delaware and attacked on Christmas, similar attack on 3rd jan forced Howe’s withdrawal
What happened at the battle of Saratoga?
General Gates replaced General Schugler as commander of Northern forces, by September, both Gates and Burgoyne had 7K men, Burgoyne attacked rebels on 3rd Oct, lost, 400 British dead, 150 Americans, Burgoyne surrendered as surrounded by twice as many men, took nearly 6k POW, Howe resigned, attempt to end war but lack of recognising american independence ended negotiations
What happened at the battles of Brandywine creek and valley forge?
More troops fought at BWC than any other in the war, 14.6K Americans - 1.3K killed, 15.5K British - 587 killed, Americans forced to retreat to Philadelphia
What happened at the 1770 Boston Massacre?
More British troops in Boston caused tensions, colonists attacked troops with snowballs, troops opened fire
What happened at the 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill?
British victory, but bloodiest battle of war, Brtiain lost 1K casualties (2.5K attacked), Washington took control of army to reorganise it
What happened at the battle of Lexington and Concord and what were the consequences?
Gage sent 700 troops to arrest leaders of provincial congress and seize rebel arms, (in Concord), militia was warned, leaders not captured and assaulted on way back, Congress voted to issue $2 million to finance the force
How did Washington run the army?
Incompetent officers and those having done misconduct were removed, set up insignia to order troops
What happened during the invasion of Canada?
Troops became weaker, many got smallpox, General Montgomery killed, Captured Montreal
When did the Britsh evacuate Boston?