1750-1900 Flashcards
French King that taxed people heavily but was in lots of debt; the French revolution happened during his reign. (1750 - 1900)
Louis XVI
Why did Britain only trade opium to China? (1750 - 1900)
To get them addicted since they weren’t trading much else with Europe
Define Spheres of Influence (1750 - 1900)
“the claim by a state to exclusive or predominant control over a foreign area or territory” (ex. Europe in China)
French General who became emperor in 1804 and abdicated but then later did a coup to get back into power. Died at Waterloo.(1750 - 1900)
Napoleon Bonaparte
American born Spaniard who did not like the Spanish so he led revolutions in S. America. Owned slaves (1750 - 1900)
Simon Bolivar
Haitian priest that started the Haitian revolution (1750 - 1900)
Who is Cecil Rhodes? (1750 - 1900)
British head of a S. African company who wanted to connect North and South Africa with Telegraph wires
Rational for imperialism that uses ideas of evolution to say that white people are “fit” and everyone else isn’t (1750 - 1900)
Federation made by France containing Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos for convenience (1750 - 1900)
Federation of Indochina
What was some technology made during the industrial revolution? (1750 - 1900)
Water Frame, Spinning Jenny, Steam Engine, Railroads
War fought in Europe and all over America between Britain and France. (1750 - 1900)
Seven years war
What was an outcome of the second industrial revolution? (1750 - 1900)
Ideas spread quicker / more nationalism
Treaty that allowed the British to trade in more of China and gave them control of Hong-Kong; was created after opium war 1 (1750 - 1900)
Treaty of Nanjing
What were Africans statuses in S. Africa? (1750 - 1900)
Conference that divided Africa up between European countries (1750 - 1900)
Berlin conference
Ethiopian Emperor who kept Ethiopia free, mainly through diplomacy but once through combat (1750 - 1900)
Menelik II
African King that saved his kingdom and others from European rule (1750 - 1900)
King Khama III
Code made by Napoleon that grants legal equity to all French people (1750 - 1900)
Napoleonic Code
When was the declaration of independence signed? (1750 - 1900)
Leader of a Jihad against Europeans; assassination attempt; created Sokoto caliphate
Shehu Usuman dan Foido
Idea that started during the French Revolution that people are bound together by ties of language, culture, and history; and that others of those things are worse (1750 - 1900)
Why did the Indian Revolt of 1857 happen?
With some new ammo, they had to use their mouths to load it. A rumor spread that the ammo was greased in cow’s fat and against Hinduism
Conference that restored the Balance of Europe after Napoleon (1750 - 1900)
conference of Vienna
Who could vote in the start of the U.S.? (1750 - 1900)
Land Owners
Japanese Darwinism toward other Asians (1750 - 1900)
Why did THE new imperialism happen? (1750 - 1900)
The Industrial revolution and the need for materials
Person that combined Steam power and job specialization. Made teaware and laid the foundations for consumerism. (1750 - 1900)
Josiah Wedgewood
Person who did guerrilla warfare against the French and founded a state (1750 - 1900)
Samori Toure
British arrived - cattle started dying; Some Africans killed cattle because of prophecy. Then they were taken over by Britain because they had no food (1750 - 1900)
Xhosa Cattle Killing
person who wants to end slavery (1750 - 1900)
Secret society that Mozart, George Washington, and Ben Franklin were a part of (1750 - 1900)
Society of the Freemasons
Group composed of wealthy Indians that influenced the Government and eventually got India its independence, though not in this time period (1750 - 1900)
Indian National Congress
Group that started the French Revolution (1750 - 1900)
National Assembly
Philosophy that says that a socialist revolution is inevitable (1750 - 1900)
Chinese secret society that doesn’t like foreigners and rebelled after the Treaty of Nanjing (1750 - 1900)
Portugese Prince who wanted Brazil to be free, so, they were made free with him as king (1750 - 1900)
Pedro I
Wars to force China to trade with Europe (1750 - 1900)
Opium Wars
Revolution that created new technology and was started in Britain (1750 - 1900)
The Industrial Revolution
What events happen that give the National assembly a lot more power?
Farm Revolts
What act made Britain start taxing Americans? (1750 - 1900)
Stamp Act
Anti-western Samurais without masters (1750 - 1900)
Chinese Empress who ruled through two different people before doing a coup. Stopped the self strengthening movement (1750 - 1900)
Empress Ci Xi
American naval officer that convinced Japan to trade with the west (1750 - 1900)
Commodore Mathew Perry
What order did the four major revolutions happen in? (1750 - 1900)
U.S., France, Haitian, S. American
Movement to industrialize China started by scholars; didn’t work (1750 - 1900)
Self Strengthening Movement
Indian who won a Nobel Peace prize for his peaceful protests against the British government (1750 - 1900)
Assembly in Prussia that wanted to unify Germany, didn’t work (1750 - 1900)
Frankfurt Assembly
Person who unified Italy in 1860 and conquered Sicily and Naples. Wanted a republic but got a monarchy (1750 - 1900)
Giseppe Garibaldi
Who allied with the U.S. during their revolution? (1750 - 1900)
Person who looked for David Livingstone and used unnecessary force while doing so. Also found a new trade route through Africa (1750 - 1900)
Henry Morton Stanley
Egyptian who did a Jihad against British controlled Egypt (1750 - 1900)
Muhammad Ahmad the Mahdi
Chinese person who said he was Jesus’s brother and led the Taiping Rebellion. Wanted no inequality (1750 - 1900)
Hong Xiuquan
Why did the Haitian revolution happen? (1750 - 1900)
Bad Slave Conditions/France was in Turmoil
Person that made the theory of evolution (1750 - 1900)
Charles Darwin
Russain Emigre who traveled by train and steamship to spread anarchy (1750 - 1900)
Mikhail Bakunin
Ideology that says that individuals should be free do do what they want (1750 - 1900)
Name two negative impacts of the partition of Bengal that happened in 1905
It separated families and of anti-British sentiment
Leader of the Haitian Revolution (1750 - 1900)
Toussaint L’Ouverture
What happened during the Meiji restoration in Japan? (1750 - 1900)
Edo was renamed Tokyo, salaried Samurai, Emperor’s power restored, modernization
A parade/show that the British used to legitimize rule in India (1750 - 1900)
Darbar Procession
Act that ended trading slaves in Britain; didn’t end slavery (1750 - 1900)
Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
What is anarchy in the context of world history? (1750 - 1900)
Tear down old Government and put a new one up
The Ottoman’s attempt to industrialize (1750 - 1900)
Tanzimat Reforms
What was the main invention of the second industrial revolution? (1750 - 1900)
What war was the first war in which an Eastern State beat a Western one? (1900-2001)
Russo-Japanese war
Prussian Chancellor who became the first German Chancellor (1750 - 1900)
Otto Von Bismark
Egyptian ruler who promoted the making of cotton and other textiles. He sent people to Europe to study their processes (1750 - 1900)
Muhammad Ali
A founder of Modern Japan who Influenced the Meiji restoration as a teacher and political theorist (1750 - 1900)
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Canal between the Mediterranean and the Red sea
Suez Canal
Belgian King who started the scramble for Africa by Claiming Congo, which has rubber-making resources (1750 - 1900)
King Leopold II
Indian soldiers working for the British (1750 - 1900)
Revolt that happened in Brazil to try and Overthrow the Government; didn’t work (1750 - 1900)
Male (right angle over e) Revolt
Who made the first steam engine? (1750 - 1900)
James Watt
British bill that lowered the requirement to vote (1750 - 1900)
Reform bill of 1832
What is the Women’s March on Versailles?
A protest over the high price of bread that ended with Louis XIV being forced to move back to Paris; was part of the French
Leaders during the French Revolution that were very radical (direct democracy, equality) and had a “reign of terror” (1750 - 1900)
Scottish missionary who “explored” Africa while trying to convert Africans (1750 - 1900)
David Livingstone
Father and son who assured Siam’s independence by having Europeans fight one another instead of them (1750 - 1900)
Mongtut (father) and Chulalongkorn (son)
The conservative nephew of Napoleon who became emperor in 1852 an abdicated after losing to Prussia (1750 - 1900)
Louis Napoleon
Edict in Russia that freed serfs (1750 - 1900)
Emancipation Edict
What happened in India because of Industrialization (1750 - 1900)
Deindustrialization; happened because India mainly made cloth, but then Europe started making a lot of cloth
Overall, what happened in the period from 1750-1900?
What war did Japan fight to try and colonize Korea after they industrialized? (1750-1900)
Sino-Japanese war