17:Basal ganglia anatomy and function Flashcards
basic function of basal ganglia
depression of unwanted movements
-movement modulation
Parts that make up the basal ganglia
derived from telencephalon
Caudate nucleus-and taile of cuadate
> putamen, GPE, GPI,
true basal gangla derived from the…
Diencephalon, mesencephalon give rise to structures that are associated
parts associated wit the basal ganglia derived from the diencephalon
thalamus, subthalamic nucleus (interconnected with basal ganglia),
midbrain strcuture (mesencephalon) associated with basal ganglia interconnections
substantia nigro
*neurons contain melanin
lateral wall of lateral ventricle there is always
caudate nucleus
always lateral and ventral to caudate nucleus=
runs between caudate and putamen
internal capsule
somatic basal ganglia AKA
dorsal basal ganglia
limbic basal ganglia aka
ventral basal ganglia
movement control
somatic basal ganglia
motivation, reward and affect
limbic basal ganglia
caudate, putamen, GPE, GPI
somatic basal ganglia
nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, ventral pallidum
limbic basal ganglia
tail of caudate after swinging around anteriorly ends rostrally at
amygdaloid nucleus
acceptable name for caudate plus putamen
striatum-striped appearance of fiber bundles passing thru it
midbrain continuation of the Internal Capsule
cerebral peduncle
Dopaminergic signalling between substantia nigra and the basal ganglia
Axons leave SN and travel to Head of C, Putamen, Tail of C forming dopa terminals there
aka the striatum receives dopa signalling
somatic ganglion area receiving no dopaminergic signalling
name the two parts of Substantia Nigra
part compacta-where the dopa axons are
pars reticularis-few dopa neurons
part of substantia nigra that it dark in color and stains with Dopa staining (contains melanin)
pars compacta of Substantia Nigro
substantia nigra develops from
subthalamic nuclei develop from
location of cerebral peduncle
below the bulk ot thalamus, above and medial to the cerebral peduncle (continuation of IC)
two main neuron types that make up the striatum (Caudate and Putamen)
Aspiny (5%) neurons and Spiny neurons (95%)
which are smaller SN or A
sn are smaller than A