17/18 - organic 2 & 3 Flashcards
refers to an atom in a molecule that allows it to exist as non-superimposable forms. it can also refer to the molecule itself
refers to a carbon atom in a molecule that is joined to four different atoms or groups
isomers that are related as objects and mirror image
optical activity
a substance shows optical activity if it rotates the plane of polarisation of plane-polarised light
plane-polarised light
monochromatic light that has oscillations in only one plane
unpolarised light
has oscillations in all planes at right angles to the direction of travel
the apparatus used to measure the angle of rotation caused by a substance
a material that converts unpolarised light into plane-polarised light
a material that allows plane-polarised light to pass through it
racemic mixture
an equimolar mixture of two enantiomers that has no optical activity
bimolecular mechanism
has two species reacting in the rate-determining step
unimolecular mechanism
has one species reacting in the rate-determining step
nucleophilic addition
mechanism in which a molecule containing two atoms or groups is added across a polar double bond (usually C=O), and the attacking species in the first step is a nucleophile
compounds formed from other compounds, especially when the properties of the derivatives can be used to identify the original compound
the breaking of a compound by water into two compounds
condensation polymerisation
refers to the formation of a polymer, usually by the reaction of two different monomers, and in which a small molecule is also formed
(originally description of the smell of certain organic compounds)
now… description of the bonding in a compound - delocalised electrons forming pi bonds in a hydrocarbon ring
halogen carrier
a catalyst that helps to introduce a halogen atom into a benzene ring
… of a base is the extent to which it can donate a lone pair of electrons to the hydrogen atom of a water molecule
occurs when two molecules join together, followed by the loss of a small molecule
isoelectric point
of an amino acid is the pH of an aqueous solution in which it is neutral
is a molecule containing positive and negative charges but which has no overall charge
peptide bond
bond formed by a condensation reaction between the carbonyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid
a property of a substance that could cause harm to a user
the possible effect that a substance may cause to the user, and this will depend on factors such as the concentration and apparatus. the level of risk is controlled using control measures