16.1 + 16.2 Flashcards
Controlling gene expression is often accomplished by controlling ______ _______
transcription initiation
Regulatory proteins bind to _____, modulate binding of ____ _____ to promoter
DNA; RNA polymerase
Prokaryotic organisms regulate gene expression in response to their ______
Eukaryotic cells regulate gene expression to
maintain a constant internal environment (homeostasis) in the organism
gene expression is often controlled by ____ _____ binding to specific DNA sequences
regulatory proteins
Where do regulatory proteins gain access to the bases of DNA?
The Major groove
Regulatory proteins block transcription by
preventing RNA polymerase to bind
Regulatory proteins stimulate transcription by
facilitating RNA polymerase binding to promoter
Within the major groove, nucleotides’ ____ _____ donors and acceptors are accessible
Unique pattern of accessibility for each base pair combination enables proteins to….
Hydrogen bonds; read the sequence without unwinding DNA
DNA binding motifs
regions of regulatory proteins which bind to DNA
helix turn helix motif
two alpha-helical segments linked by a nonhelical segment
a special class of helix turn helix and is critical in eukaryotic devlopment
zinc finger motif
several forms, use zinc atoms to coordinate DNA binding
Leucine zipper motif
dimerization motif in which region in one subunit interacts with a similar region on another subunit forming a zipper-like connection