16. Feliz Navidad Flashcards
Presents are exchanged
Remember the use of “Se” + Verb (in the third person singular or plural) is used to indicate customs or habits of a
region, country, collection of people, etc.
Se intercambian regalos
Christmas is celebrated with the family
Se celebra navidad con la familia
It is celebrated with a family dinner
Se celebra con una cena en familia
Above all, they are very…
Sobre todo son/estan muy…
Afterwards there is a bit of a break
(Then there is a break)
Luego hay un descanso
If you don’t behave well,…
Si no te portas bien,…
compared with England…
comparadas con Inglaterra…
when does it all start?
¿cuándo empieza todo?
Christmas Eve (24th Dec)
Later (further on)
(Not Luego or Despues!)
Más adelante
gifts are given
se dan regalos
New Years Eve
But in the end…
Pero al final…