15.Emergence of gandhi Flashcards
- Info about his satyagrahas
ex. Champaran
ex. Rowlatt
ex. First succesful satyagraha
ex. First venture in all india politics - Important statements
ex. Unto this last book transformed my life
- Why Nationalist Resurgence Now
(a) Post-War Economic Hardships
1.Indians supplied men & money (extra tax burden for war)
- Industry
- Increased prices + recession + increased competition with foreign products - Workers & artisans
- unemployement & high prices
high taxation & poverty
- soldiers returned from war
- shared war experiences with village
- experienced less liberty & prosperity compared to before - Educated Urban Classes
- Unemployement + racism
(b)Expectations of Political Gains for Cooperation in the War
-efforts went unacknowledged
(c)Nationalist Disillusionment with Imperialism Worldwide
- Before war allied powers had promised colonies democracy and self determination
- From Paris Peace Conference -> became clear -> imperialists had no intention to loosen hold over colonies
(d)Impact of Russian Revolution
-Bolshevik Party overthrew Czarist regime -> under lenin -> AKA October revolution
- Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and Government of India Act, 1919
(a) Main Features
- Intro
- Carrot : Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
- Stick : Rowlatt act
2.Government of India Act, 1919 was enacted based on montagu-chelmsford reforms
3.Provincial Government—Introduction of
-Executive dyarchy :a)rule of two—executive councillors and popular ministers
b)Subjects were divided into ,reserved & transferred subjects ->reserved list subject be administered by the governor through his executive council of bureaucrats ; transferred subjects by : ministers nominated from among the elected members
c)ministers were to be responsible to the legislature -> resign on no-confidence motion
d)if failure of constitutional machinery -> governor can work on transferred ones
- Legislature : a)70% members elected
b) communal and class electorates cotinued
c) women vote
d) legislative councils could initiate legislation ; reject budget
e) legislators had freedom of speech
4.Central Government– Still Without
Responsible Government i.e no responsible government at all India level
- executive :a) Governor generel (main authority) ; b) 2 lists central and provincial ; c) viceroy council :3/8 indians
- Legislature : a)bicameral i.e. has lower & upper house b) legislators could ask questions ,pass adjournment motions and vote on budget
- limited voters (electorate)
- viceroy and his executive council controlled centre -> not legislators
- division of subjects at centre & state was irrational
- The provincial ministers had no control over finances and over the bureaucrats -> ex. uddhav thakare having no control on viswas nangare.
5.Gandhi on montagu-chelmsford
for draining India of her wealth and of prolonging her servitude.
(c)Congress Reaction
it’s disappointing
3.Making of Gandhi
(a) Early Career and Experiments with
Truth in South Africa
- About
- born : 2 october 1869
- father : diwan(minister) of kathiawar
- studied law in England
- South africa (1898-1914) -> for dada abdullah ->faced racism - Types of indians in africa
a) indentured labour
b) merchants
c) ex-indentured labourers - indian sufferings in africa
- no vote
- reside in prescribed locations mostly insanitary
- can’t go out after 9PM
- Cant use footpaths - Moderate phase struggle ( 1894-1906)
- sending petitions
- set up the Natal Indian Congress and started a paper Indian Opinion - Passive Resistance or Satyagraha (1906-1914)
- passive resistance or civil disobedience, which Gandhi named satyagraha. - Satyagraha against Registration Certificates,1906
- had to carry certificates of registration with their fingerprints
- campaign of defying the law and suffering all the penalties -> was jailed -> later publicly burned certificates -> compromise by government
7.Campaign against Restrictions on Indian Migration
-put restrictions on Indian migration
-defied by crossing over from one
province to another by refusing to produce licences.
- Campaign against Poll Tax and Invalidation of Indian Marriages
- poll tax on all ex-indentured Indians & invalidated marriages done in non-christian way -> children out of invalid marriage -> illegitimate
9.Tolstoy Farm
-to house the families of the satyagrahis and to give them a way to sustain themselves
-He had set up the Phoenix Farm in 1904 in Natal, inspired by a reading of John Ruskin’s Unto This Last -> a critique of
capitalism, and a work that extolled the virtues of the simple life of love, labour, and the dignity of human beings.
-manual work was given important.
10.Protest against Transvaal Immigration Act
-protested by illegally migrating from Natal into Transvaal.
-In India, Gokhale toured the whole country
mobilising public opinion in support of the Indians in South africa.
-later compromise reached
(b)Gandhi’s Experience in South Africa
- masses had immense capacity to sacrifice
- was able to unite Indians of all religion, caste, class,gender
- had to take unpopular decisons at times
(c)Gandhi’s Technique of Satyagraha
- Intro
- based on truth & non-violence
- His philosophy had : indian elements + christian (turning the other cheek) + Tolstoy (evil could best be countered by non-violent resistance.)
2.Basics of satyagraha
-fight non-violently & fearlessly against things that one finds wrong
-use withdrawal of cooperation and boycott -> include non-payment of taxes,
and declining honours and positions of authority
-be ready to accept suffering
-have no ill feeling or hatred for the wrong-doer;
-never bow before the evil
-ends could not justify the means.
- Gandhi in India
(a) Champaran Satyagraha (1917)—First Civil Disobedience
- Intro
- felt moderate politics is useless
- not right time for home rule -> england in war
- only useful technique non-violent satyagraha - About
- indigo planters of Champaran in Bihar
- peasants forced to grow indigo on 3/20 of land(tinkathia system) by european planters
- high rents asked before the peasants could shift to other crops
- forced to sell the produce at prices fixed by europeans
- Gandhi went for enquiry -> police ordered him to leave -> he preffered punishment -> gandhi appointed member in government committee
- Tinkathia system abolished ; 25% of money extracted from farmers returned
(b) Ahmedabad Mill Strike (1918)—First
Hunger Strike
-Workers wanted the plague bonus to continue ; wanted 50% wage rise due to WWI inflation ; owners ready for 20%
-workers went to Anusuya Sarabhai social worker & sister of Ambalal sarabhai one of
the mill owners and the president of the Ahmedabad Mill Owners Association.
-Anusaya goes to gandhi ->gandhi friends of ambalal -. both still on laboures side
-Gandhi demanded 35% wage hike -> went on fast unto death -> succesful
(c) Kheda Satyagraha (1918)—First Non-Cooperation
- drought -> kheda (gujrat) -> crops failed
- Revenue code : if yield less than 1/4th the normal produce, cancel tax
- government seized property on non-payment of tax -> their relatives gave them shelter ; people buying these properties in auction socially ostricized (i.e.Valit takane)
- on ground led by vallabhbhai & other gandhians ; gandhi spiritual head
- Government agreed
(d) Gains from Champaran, Ahmedabad and Kheda
- satyagraha’s efficacy proved
- gandhi understood strengths and weaknesses of masses
- got respect & commitement of many
- Rowlatt Act, Satyagraha, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
(a) The Rowlatt Act
-Before montford reforms(i.e.carrot) , Defence of India Regulations Act (Rowlatt act) (i.e.Stick) passed in 1919
-Purpose of act : to investigate the
‘seditious conspiracy’
-Reccomends : a)Deport activists b)imprisonment without trial for 2 yrs c)having seditious newspaper ->crime d)arrest without warrant ; ‘suspiscion’ based e) wartime restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly were re-imposed f)controlled press
(b) Satyagraha Against the Rowlatt Act
First Mass Strike
- Intro
- everyone expected big reforms as world war return gifts ->they got montford reforms along with repressive rowlatt act.
2.way of protest chosen nationwide hartal (strike) accompanied by fasting and prayer, and civil disobedience against specific laws, and courting arrest and imprisonment.
3.before satygraha -> violence in in Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi -> more violence in punjab due to wartime repression, forcible
recruitments in army and ravages of disease ->Army had to be called in
(c) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
- Background
- Amritsar : initally silence -> kept shops closed etc -> arrest of kitchlew & satyapal -> protest -> got violent as police fired
-Dyer issued orders (April13 i.e.baisakhi) ->no demonstrations or processions, or assembling in groups ->neighbouring village people, unaware of prohibitory orders gathered @ jallianwala to celebrate Baisakhi(majority) ; For protest (minority) -> Total 20,000
-Dyer fired without warning -> after Martial law was
proclaimed in the Punjab ,public was humiliated
-Tagore renounced knighthood ; gandhi gaveup kaiser-e-hind(boer war) -> Gandhi withdrew the movement
-Udham Singh, who bore the name, Ram Mohammad
Singh Azad, later assassinated Michael O’Dwyer, the Lieutenant-Governor of 1919 punjab
6.The Hunter Committee of Inquiry
-the Disorders Inquiry Committee under Hunter -> had 3 indians -> took statements from witnesses from all cities
-Dyer says ‘did this to strike terror throughout the Punjab’ & ‘‘I could have dispersed the crowd without firing but they
would have come back again and laughed, and I would have made,a fool of myself’’ & ‘‘to help the wounded isn’t my job’’
-committee unanimously condemned dyer’s actions -> did not impose any penal or disciplinary action -> Dyer’s actions were accepted by various superiors
-before the Hunter Committee began its
proceedings, the government had passed an Indemnity Act for
the protection of its officers
-In england -> Secretary of State for War -> churchill-> made him to resign -> british people collected money for him ; got pension -> the clergy of the Golden Temple,honoured Dyer by declaring him a Sikh
7.Congress View
Congress appointed its own non-official
committee that included Motilal Nehru, C.R. Das, Abbas Tyabji, M.R. Jayakar and Gandhi.