12.Era of militant Nationalism Flashcards
- Important artworks of period
ex. paintings of Abanindranath
ex. Song ‘Amar shonar bangla’
-events/activities related swadeshi
ex.contri. in revival of the artisan
ex.National Council of Education was
ex.swadeshi & boycott first time adopted when
ex.immediate cause of it’s launch
- Surat split
ex. reason for split
ex. which movements has contributed to a split
ex. which resolutions was / was not part of resolutions that led to split - Partition of Bengal
ex. lasted till
ex. came in existence on which date? - the Extremist movement
ex. muslims not interested,why?
ex. extremist ideology during the early phase of Indian freedom movement was?
ex. actions at various places under this?
- Important artworks of period
ex. paintings of Abanindranath
ex. Song ‘Amar shonar bangla’
-Tamil Nadu, Subramania Bharati wrote Sudesha Geetham.
-Abanindranath Tagore broke the domination of Victorian naturalism -> inspiration from ajanta,mughal,raput paintings
-Nandlal bose : first recipient of a scholarship offered by the Indian Society of
Oriental Art
-In science, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Prafullachandra Roy
-events/activities related swadeshi
ex.contri. in revival of the artisan
ex.National Council of Education was
ex.swadeshi & boycott first time adopted when
ex.immediate cause of it’s launch
- Surat split
ex. reason for split
ex. which movements has contributed to a split
ex. which resolutions was / was not part of resolutions that led to split
- Partition of Bengal
ex. lasted till
ex. came in existence on which date?
- government announced partition of Bengal in July 1905.
- October 16, 1905, the day the partition formally came
- annuled in 1911
- the Extremist movement
ex. muslims not interested,why?
ex. extremist ideology during the early phase of Indian freedom movement was?
ex. actions at various places under this?
- Growth of Militant Nationalism
(a) Why Militant Nationalism Grew
- Recognition of the True Nature of British Rule
- economic miseries of 1890s
- famines
- deccan plague
- taking away rights : a)Councils act b)deported Natu brothers c)Tilak sedition d)official secrets act e)Universities act -> government control on uni. - Growth of Confidence and Self-Respect
- due to tilak,aurobindo,bipin Pal - Growth of Education
- educated yet unemployed -> understood economic state of india
4.International events
-— emergence of Japan—an Asian country—as an industrial power
— Abyssinia’s (Ethiopia) victory over Italy.
— Boer Wars (1899-1902) in which the British faced reverses.
— Japan’s victory over Russia (1905).
— nationalist movements worldwide.
5.Reaction to Increasing Westernisation
-Thinkers exploded the myth of western
superiority by referring to the richness of Indian civilisation.
- Dissatisfaction with Achievements of Moderates
- Moderates used 3 P’s : prayer, petition and protest. - Reactionary Policies of Curzon
- refused to recognise India as a nation
- adopted during his rule—the Official Secrets Act, the Indian Universities Act, the Calcutta Corporation Act and partition of Bengal.
8.Existence of a Militant School of Thought
-included Raj Narain Bose, Ashwini
Kumar Datta, Aurobindo Ghosh and Bipin Chandra Pal in Bengal; Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar and Bal Gangadhar Tilak
in Maharashtra; and Lala Lajpat Rai in Punjab
- basic tenets of this school
a. hatred for foreign rule
b. swaraj as goal
c. believed direct political action required
d. belief in capacity of the masses
e. personal sacrifices required
9.Emergence of a Trained Leadership
- The Swadeshi and Boycott Movement
(a) Partition of Bengal to Divide People
- Intro
- Decision : december 1903
-2 provinces : 1.W.ben + odisha + bihar -> calcutta capital ; 2.East bengal + Assam -> dacca capital
- Official reasons
- 78 million -> too big to administer
- develop assam - real motive
- Weaken bengal
- converting bengali speakers in minority
- religious isolation -> West(hindu more)
- woo muslim -> say ‘dacca will become muslim province’
(b) Anti-Partition Campaign Under Moderates (1903-05)
Surendranath Banerjea, K.K. Mitra and Prithwishchandra Ray
- Technique
- petitions,meetings,pamphlets,newspapers
3.Boycott resolution passed -> 7 august 1905 (remember date) -> in calcutta ; Also swadeshi movement initiated -> People fasted, bathed in the Ganga and walked barefoot,tied rakhis,bande matram,amar sonar bangla
(d) The Congress’s Position
- Congress,1905 -> passed
- condemn partition & curzon
- support anti-partition & swadeshi - Militants in 1905 wanted
- take movement outside
- in addition to boycott -> full fledged mass struggle to attain swaraj -> moderates not ready - Calcutta congress,1906 ->dadabhai
- self government/swaraj -> declared as goal - Surat,1907
- dispute over the pace of the movement and techniques of struggle reached a deadlock
- The Movement under Extremist Leadership
(a) The Extremist Programme
- extremists had more influence on movement,bcoz
- moderate-led movement failed
- angered by devisive tactics
- suppressive measures of govern.
2.gave a call for passive resistance in addition to swadeshi and boycott which would include a boycott of government schools and colleges, government service, courts etc.
(b) New Forms of Struggle and Impact
- Boycott of Foreign Goods
- boycott & burning cloth
- no marriages by priests having exchange of foreign goods
- washerman to refuse foreign cloth
2.Public Meetings and Processions
3.Corps of Volunteers or ‘Samitis’
-Swadesh Bandhab Samiti -> Ashwini
Kumar Dutta (in Barisal)
-Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, V.O. Chidambaram Pillai, Subramania Siva -> swadeshi sangam
- use of Traditional Popular Festivals and Melas
- Tilak : ganpati ; shivaji - Emphasis given to Self-Reliance / atma shakti
- involved social reforms
6.Programme of Swadeshi or National Education
-Bengal national college -> by aurobindo
-August 15, 1906, the National Council of
Education was set up to organise a system of education— literary, scientific and technical—on national lines and under national control.
-Bengal institute of technology -> send students to japan
- Swadeshi or Indigenous Enterprises
- of swadeshi textile mills, soap and match factories, tanneries
- Chidambaram pillai -> shipbuilding company
8.Impact in the Cultural Sphere
-Tagore’s Amar Sonar Bangla
-Tamil Nadu, Subramania Bharati wrote Sudesha Geetham.
-Abanindranath Tagore broke the domination of Victorian naturalism -> inspiration from ajanta,mughal,raput paintings
-Nandlal bose : first recipient of a scholarship offered by the Indian Society of
Oriental Art
-In science, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Prafullachandra Roy
(c) Extent of Mass Participation
- students
- organised picketing of shops selling foreign goods
especially urban middle -> active part
- Muslims
- some participated
- most upper & middle class stayed away or led by Nawab Salimullah of Dacca, supported the partition.
- swadeshi movement leaders invoked hindu festivals -> kept muslims away.
- no support especially Muslim peasantry - Labour Unrest and Trade Unions
- 250 clerks -> burn company -> howrah resign
- workers in the East Indian Railway
- jute mills ->at times affecting 18 out of 18 mills -> led by Subramania Siva & Chidambaram Pillai
- unrest reduced around summer 1908
(d) All India Aspect
-Tilak played a leading role
-They raised patriotism from a level of
‘academic pastime’ to one of ‘service and sacrifice for the country’
- Annulment of Partition
- in 1911,mainly to curb the menace of revolutionary terrorism
- Shock for muslim elite -> to win them again -> capital transferred to delhi
- bihar,odisha taken out of bengal
- assam separate
- Evaluation of the Swadeshi Movement
(a) The Movement Fizzles Out
- Reasons
- government repression
- movement failed to create an effective organisation or a party structure
- Leaderless -> leaders arrested,deported,or retired
- surat split
- people aroused -> unable to utilize energy
- failed to reach mass -> especially peasantry
- Non-cooperation and passive resistance remained ideas
(b) Movement a Turning Point
- Intro
- included sections untouched yet
- All major trends of indian national movement emerged here
- not only political -> included art,science, industry,literature
- people learned to participate in political work
- experience for future struggle - Moderate Methods Give Way to Extremist Modes
- people felt moderates being outdated
- got no support from youth - Difference in moderates & extremists (271 , spectrum)
- no all india campaigns of swadeshi ,boycott scale by them
5.Extremists ideology & functioning lost consistency
-For Tilak swaraj was self governance
; aurobindo wanted complete independence
-Tilak opposed bill to take girls marriage age from 10 to 12 -> his reason -> it’s british
-Tilak : ganpati,shivjayanti + stopped cow slaughter -> perceived as hindu nationalist
-Pal & Aurobindo -> talked of hindu interests -> muslims alienated
- The Surat Split
(a) Run-up to Surat
- 1905,benaras session of congress
- extremists wanted to extend boycott & swadeshi outside bengal ; moderates not ready
- extremists wanted mass movement-> boycott of government service, law courts ; moderates -> constitutional measures
- As compromise :RESOLUTION CONDEMNING PARTITION + Support for swadeshi & boycott in bengal -> Averted split
-extremists wanted -> Tilak or Lalal ; Moderates -> Dadabhai -> eventually becaame
-concession for militants -> swarajya made congress goal(it’s connotation not spelt though) ; resolution supporting swadeshi ,boycott & national education
-Extremists encouraged with this -> call to leave school,government offices ; Moderates felt -> council reforms are coming,hence we should tone down calcutta resolution
-Extremists felt moderates are keeping them away from goal ; moderates felt if they associate with extemists ->their dream of
Indian participation in the administration will stay unfulfilled.
-Moderates failed to realise -> council reforms were meant to isolate Extremists
than to reward the Moderates ; Extremists did not realise that Moderates could act as their front line of defence against state repression
(b) Split Takes Place
- Extremists wanted Tilak or Lala @ Nagpur(central province) ; Moderates wanted Rashbehari ghosh @ Surat (bombay province) to exclude tilak -> both sides rigid ->split.
- repression on extremists -> congress dominated by moderates -> they reiterated goal of self-government within british empire.
(c) Government Repression
- Five acts
- Seditious Meetings
- Newspapers
- Law Amendment
- Press Act - sedition on Tilak
- why? in newpaper exclaimed being okay with bomb attack on british women-> as government is also doing monstrous deeds
- Sent to mandalay (burma) -> (1908-1914) - Others
- Lala left for abroad
- Aurobindo & pal retired from active politics
- The Government Strategy
- Approach
- British hostile towards congress since beginning
- hostility did not reduce even after militants distanced from congress - Stratergy
- ‘‘ralleying them’’ or’‘carrot & stick’’ -> three-pronged approach of repression- conciliation- suppression.
- First stage : Extremists repressed mildly, mainly to frighten the Moderates.
- Second stage:Moderates were to be placated through some concessions, and hinted that more reforms would be forthcoming if the distance from the Extremists was maintained.
-third stage :With the Moderates on its side, the government could suppress the Extremists with its full might; the
Moderates could then be ignored.
-Surat split showed that stratergy is succesful
- Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909
(a) The Reforms
- Background
- Muslim elites called Simla Deputation -> met minto for -> separate electorates & representation in excess of their numerical strength -> for contribution to british empire
-Gopal krishn gokhale -> met morley for congress’s demands
2.known as Morley- Minto Reforms that translated into the Indian Councils Act of 1909. -> FEATURES AS FOLLOWS
-Indians allowed to participate in election of various legislative councils, on basis of class & community
-separate electorates for Muslims
for election to central council
-members elected to central & provincial assembly increased
-elected members elected indirectly i.e.local bodies elected electoral college -> elected provincial legislature -> they elected central legislature
-representation in excess of the strength of their population was accorded to the Muslims.
-Powers of both legislatures increased -> can pass resolutions ; ask questions ; vote budget items separately
-1 indian appointed to viceroy’s executive council
(b) Evaluation
- aimed at dividing the nationalist ranks by confusing the Moderates
- checking the growth of unity among Indians through separate electorates
- system of election was too indirect
- no responsibility was conceded even though parliamentary form was introduced -> led to thoughtless and irresponsible criticism
- reversing the unifying and amalgamating process in 2 religions -Nehru
- Why Militant Nationalism Grew
- british exploitative -> taking away even what existed
- confidence ; self-respect
- education ,awareness ,unemployement
- myth of european supremacy debunked
- dissatisfaction towards moderates
- Curzon policies/Acts : Calcutta corporation ; secrets act ; universities act ; bengal partition - Extremist Ideology
- involve masses
- swarajya as goal - Swadeshi and Boycott Movement
- Began as a reaction to partition -> became known : 1903 ; formally announced : July 1905 ; came into force : October 1905
- Official reason : Bengal too big to administer
-Moderate-led anti-partition movement (1903-05) was under Surendranath Banerjea, K.K. Mitra, Prithwishchandra Ray.
Methods included public meetings, petitions, memoranda.
-movement under Extremists (1905-08) : Lal-Bal-Pal ,aurobindo ghosh -> Methods : foreign stuff boycotted ; public processions ; forming samitis ; atma-shakti focused ; swadeshi education ; indegenious enterprise ; Indian painting,
songs , poetry, pioneering research in science.
-Extremists took over because of the failure of the Moderates
-Participation : students, women, certain
sections of zamindari, labour, some lower middle and middle classes in towns and cities participated ; Muslims generally kept away.
-Why Swadeshi Movement fizzled out by 1908 : government repression ; Lacked effective organisation & disciplined focus ; arrest/deported leaders ; surat split ; Narrow social base
hitherto untouched sections participated ; major trends of later movement emerged ; movement extended to culture, science and literature
4.Major Cause of Moderate-Extremist Split at Surat (1907)
-Moderates : Boycott Movement in Bengal only ; boycott of foreign cloth and liquor ;
Extremists : All india movement ; boycott of schools, colleges, municipality
- Government Acts for Repression of Swadeshi Movement
- Seditious Meetings
- Criminal Law
- Indian Newspapers
- Explosive Substances
- Press Act - Morley-Minto Reforms
- members of both councils increased
- elections introduced for first time
- separate electorates muslims
- Legislatures could pass resolutions, ask questions ,vote separate items of the budget.
- No responsibility entrusted to legislators -> thoughtless criticism sometimes.
-System of election was too indirect.