15.3 new Flashcards
Men are sterile due to…(4)
- blockage of epididymis OR vans deferent
- low sperm count
- high amount of non-viable or abnormal sperms
- erectile dysfunction or impotence
Female are sterile due to.. (4)
- blockage of oviduct
- failure to ovulate
- endometriosis
- damaged eggs
- where does fertilization occur
- how it works
- used when
- where does fertilization occur
inside F repro - how it works
collect large amount of sperm then put then in to F repro - used when
Man: sterile
Woman: not sterile
- where does fertilization occur
- how it works
- used when
- where does fertilization occur
inside F repro - how it works
egg and sperm are brought TOGETHER in the oviduct rather than in vitro - used when
either are sterile or both
egg is fertilized OUTSIDE the F repro
egg is fertilized INSIDE the F repro
surrogate mother
used when
- used when
both are sterile
super ovulation
- how it works
- used when
- how it works
hormonal treatment of FSH and LH - used when
woman is sterile of failure of ovulate
surgical sterilization (2)
- tubal ligation
cut oviduct - vasectomy
van deferens cut OR tied together
HPV lead to..
cervix cancer
chlamydia leads to..
PID = blockage of oviduct = sterility
- how it works
- how it works
cut the tail of sperm and take out the nucleus and inject it into the egg
ectopic pregnancy
embryo develops outside the uterus or the F repro
take chorionic cells and analyze genetics of baby
take amnion fluid and use that to analyze genetics of baby
who would use AI (2)
- infertile man / fertile woman
- woman who does not have a partner but wants a child
IVF (1)
woman that has a damage or blocked oviduct
woman that has endometriosis
woman who can’t ovulation
surrogate mother
- woman who is diseased and disease might affect child during birth
- infertile couple
Artificial insemination is the collection and concentrating of a man’s sperm. Once the sperm has been concentrated and enough collected, it is then deposited directly into the female’s vagina at times during her menstrual cycle when she is most fertile.
In-vitro fertilization is a technique in which both the male and female gametes are united in the glassware of a laboratory. Cells in the resultant zygote begin to divide; the zygote is inserted directly into the uterus for implantation.
caesarian section is needed when.. (4)
- if the mother has an STI
- if the mother has a small pelvis
- if the baby is in breech position
- has the umbilical cord wrapped more than once around its neck