1.5.1 Computing Related Legislation Flashcards
What year was The Data Protection Act created?
What is The Data Protection Act?
Laws put in place to protect data subjects
Applies to information stored on computers & paper filing systems
What is meant by personal data?
Any data which can be used on its own or in combination with other data to identify a living person
What is a data subject?
An individual who can be identified by personal data
What is a data controller?
An individual accessing or using personal data as part of their job
What is the information commissioner?
The individual that enforces the DPA
Who organisation need to apply to for permission to collect and store personal data
State the 8 principles of the DPA.
Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully
Personal data shall only be processed for limited purposes
Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive
Personal data shall be accurate and up to date
Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is necessary
Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects
Personal data must be kept secure
Personal data must not be transferred to countries without adequate data protection
State the 3 rights given to data subjects.
The right to request a copy of the data held about them
The right to correct the data held about them
The right to prevent marketing using contact details provided
What year was the DPA replaced?
What year was The Computer Misuse Act created?
What is The Computer Misuse Act?
Lesiglation covering the malicious use of computers
State the three levels of offences in The Computer Misuse Act.
Unauthorised access to computer materials
Unauthorised access with intent to commit further offences
Unauthorised modification of computer material
What year was The Copyright, Design & Patents Act created?
What is The Copyright, Design & Patents Act?
Legislation to protect individual’s property online
When does copyright apply?
Automatically applies to original works
When does copyright expire?
25-70 years after the death of the creator
How did The Copyright, Design & Patents Act change in 1992?
Extended to include computer programs
What year was The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act created?
What is The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act?
Legislation covering investigation and surveillance by public bodies
State the 2 enforcements of The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act.
ISPs and mobile phone companies give up information upon request from an authorised authority
ISPs networks have sufficient hardware installed to facilitate surveillance
Why is The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act controversial?
Powers extend to small agencies like local conucils
Some feel its an invasion of privacy
Some feel its often improperly used