1.5.1 - Computer Related Legislation Flashcards
What are the eight provisions of the data protection act 1998?
1)Data must be lawfully collected and processed so that individual rights are not flouted.
2) Data should only be used for the specified purpose to the Data Protection Agency and should not be disclosed to other parties without the necessary permission.
3) Data collected should not be excessive so that irrelevant data is not stored.
4) Data should be accurate and up to date.
5) Data should not be kept longer than necessary.
6) Individuals have the right to see the data and to ask for it to be corrected if it is wrong so that they are not
responsible for incorrect data.
7) Data should be protected by adequate security measures so that people with malicious intent cannot gain access.
8) Data should not be transferred out of the EU so that data remains subject to DPA.
What is the data protection act 1998?
Is designed to protect personal data and focuses on controlling the storage of data about the data subject.
-Data can only be accessed or changed by authorised people (the data controllers) so that malicious alterations are not made.
-Authorised people must be notified to the Data Protection Register so that they are accountable.
There are some exemptions to the Act:
1) National security - Any data processed in relation to national security is exempt from the Act.
2) Crime and taxation - Any data used to detect or prevent crime or to assist with the collection of taxes is exempt from the Act.
3) Domestic purposes- Any data used solely for individual, family or household use is exempt from the Act.
What is the computer misuse act 1990?
This is the law aimed at illegal hackers who exploit weaknesses in a system.
Under this Act it is an offence to gain unauthorised access to computer material:
1) With intent to commit or facilitate commission of further crimes.
2) With intent to impair, or with recklessness as to impairing, operation of computer, etc. (e.g. distributing viruses).
What is the copyright design and patents act 1988?
-Any individual or organisation that produces media, software or other intellectual property has their ownership
protected by this Act.
-This means other parties are not allowed to copy, reproduce or redistribute it without permission from the copyright holder.
-Illegal copying and distribution of software prevents the developer of that software from receiving some or all of
their earnings for their work.
What is the regulation of investigatory powers act 2000?
This Act is about criminal and terrorist use of the internet.
It regulates how the authorities can monitor our actions.
Under this Act certain organisations can:
1) Demand ISPs provides access to a customer’s communications.
2) Allow mass surveillance of communications.
3) Demand ISPs fit equipment to facilitate surveillance.
4) Demand access be granted to protected information.
5) Allow monitoring of an individual’s internet activities.
6) Prevent the existence of such interception activities being revealed in court.
What does the copyright and patents act make illegal?
Businesses stealing ideas and methods from other businesses
Using software without the correct licence
The use of technology to download software without paying for them
What 4 areas does the computer misuse act cover
-No hacking
-No blackmail
-No malware
-No fraud
Why are people concerned with the RIPA 2000?
-Invasion of privacy
-Freedom of speech
-Unnecessary censorship
-Improper use of the RIPA