1.5 Medication Administration (Part 1) Flashcards
Drug Nomeclature
- Generic/Trade Names
Generic - Name of medication assigned by the manufacturer who first developed it
(Lowercase - How its identified in official publications)
Trade - Name given by manufacturer.
Drug Classifications
- Classified by the effect on body system
- Chemical composition, clinical indication, or therapeutic action
Class - Refers to Mechanism of Action, physiological effect, chemical structure of medication
Therapeutic Class - Clinical indication for the drug or therapeutic action
Side Effects/Adverse Effects
Side effect - Non-therapeutic reaction to a drug. Usually uncomfortable
Adverse effect - Often require lowering a dose or discontinuing the drug.
Contraindications/precautions - Condition where drug should be given with caution or not given at all
Pregnancy Categories
- Requires knowledge of gestational age
Category A - No risk to fetus in any trimester
Category B - No demonstrated adverse effects in animal studies
Category C - Studies with animals show no risk but cannot rule out issues in humans. Benefits outweigh the risk. (Most medications are in this category)
Category D - Definite Fetal Risk. Used only in life threatening condition. (Chemo-Therapy)
Category X - Never given during pregnancy
Mechanisms of Action
Action - How the drug works
Indication - Reason for using the drug
Allergic Reaction - Immunologically sensitive to medication so body releases antibodies. Severe allergies patient should wear medical alert bracelet
Nursing Implications of Drug Administeration
- Monitor interactions (drug taken with food)
- Monitor vital signs or labs to see if drug should be withheld
- Lab values also show if drug is in therapeutic range
Factors that Effect Absorption
- Route of administration
- Ability for medication to dissolve
- Blood flow to site of administration
- Body surface area
- Lipid solubility
Absorption (cont)
- Medication applied to skin is usually slowly absorbed
- Oral is also slow due to going through GI Tract
- Respiratory and mucous membrane is quick
- IV is quickest
- Depends on physical and chemical properties of medication
- Physiology of person using it (circulation, membrane permeability, protein binding)
- Rate/Extent of distribution depends on physical and chemical properties of medication and physiology of person
- Speed depends on vascularity of organ/tissue
- Degree of medication binding to serum proteins affect medical distribution
Biotransformation - Influence of enzymes that break down and detoxify drugs. (Metabolism)
Chemical makeup of medication determines organ of excretion
- Medication that enter hepatic circulation are broken down in liver and secreted into bile.
- Exocrine glands excrete lipid-soluble medications
Client has the right to receive
- Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Route, Right Time
In addition right to
- Nurse careful assessment, management, and evaluation of drug therapy
- Actions promoting clients safety and well-being
- Nurse obligation to maintain high standard of care
- Nurse should always keep their promise
Criminal Law
Offenses against the general public
- Unlawful use, possession, administration of controlled substance
- Alcohol/drug abuse