1.5 LMEC Flashcards
the 4 laws
DPA - data protection act
CMA - computer misuse act
CDPA - copyright, design and patents act
RIPA - regulation of investigatory powers act
data protection act
2 types of information
-personal information
-sensitive information
8 principles of data protection -> organisations need to abide by
-kept safe and secure
-accurate and up-to-date
-not kept longer than necessary
-no transfer outside the EEA unless the country has data protection (x USA)
-adequate, relevant and not excessive
-only held for specific reason
-collected and used fairly inside the law
-only used for the registered purpose it was intended
data subject rights (3 would be enough)
-right of access
-right to prevent distress (calls from banks to repay)
-right to prevent automatic decisions
-right to compensation (selling data, incorrect data)
computer misuse act
Regulation that prevents anyone from attempting to gain unauthorised access and/or hacking to a computer system
copyrights, design and patent act: Regulation that limits how another person’s work can be redistributed and used
copyrights: applies copyright automatically intellectual property/ creative work
patent: make profit for a certain length of time; protect ideas by registering them
licensing: allow people to have the right/permission to use (e.g.) trademarks
regulation of investigatory power
public bodies have the right to monitor when there are serious crimes and terrorism
requires ISP to assist in secret surveillance
what are the use of laws
no law prevents a crime; it only punishes users
Computers in the workforce
robotics and automation
-replace low-skilled workforce
-requires technicians to standby
Automated decision making
-stocks and shares
-hospital and doctors
Artificial intelligence
applied vs generalised AI
machine learning: training a device or application to perform a task
-algorithm bias
-legal responsibilities
Environmental effects
-manufacturing and producing
-energy consumption
-VOIP -communications online;
-flood warnings: e.g. change setting of dams
-air quality: monitoring gas
Censorship and the Internet
censorship: suppression of materials with deliberate intent
-schools safeguarding
-ISP from government request
Monitor behaviour
-user intended
-passive monitoring
-forced tracking
Analyse personal information
(relate to DPA)
big data and data mining
- privacy
- ownership
- consent
- misuse
- data protection (act)
Piracy and offensive communications
(relate to CMA, CDPA)
Piracy: illegal copying of software or data without permission from the copyright holder
offensive communications: human rights act- freedom of expression; duty to behave responsibly and respect other people’s rights
Layout, colour paradigms and character sets.
Layout: right to left VS left to right(Arabic); top to bottom
colour: different colour indicates different meaning (e.g. blue used most common)
character set: different languages, different charter set (ASCII->Unicode)