1.1.1 structure and function of processor Flashcards
purpose of CPU
fetch, decode and execute instructions (FDE)
CPU contains
control unit
system buses
dedicated registers
control unit
COORDINATE the activity of all components(1m)
control signals sent along the control bus
what does control signal contain
memory read
memory write
bus request
bus grant
(memorise 2 only)
what are system buses
series of connectors that transfer signals between internal components
(copper wires on the motherboard)
control bus
transmit control signals from the control unit (to other parts of the processor)
data bus
carries data from one place to another (bidirectional)
width defined by number of wires or lines it contains
bottleneck would occur if data is not wide enough for word
address bus
carries the location of address where the data is going(from processor to memory- unidirectional)
width of address bus determines the max possible memory address of system
e.g. 8-bit address bus= 2^8 =256 max memory address
what are the direction of buses
control bus: bidirectional
data bus: bidirectional
address bus: unidirectional
arithmetic-logic unit
-arithmetic operations: +,-,*, /
-logical operations: AND, OR, NOT, XOR
-shift operations: move bits L or R within a register
special memory that operate at a very high speed
all memory that holds temporarily
the 5 dedicated registers:
program counter: hold memory address of NEXT instruction
current instruction register: holds current instruction, which is split into opcode and operand
hold address in memory where process is required to fetch or store data
holds address of instruction from PC
holds address of data from CIR
temporarily holds data/instruction moving between the processor and main memory
act as buffer