15 - Hair Flashcards
Types of hair?
- Terminal hairs - thick pigmented hair
- scalp, beard, axilla, pubic - Lanugo hairs - fine hairs of fetus
- Vellus hair - short fine hairs
- covers much of body
Androgen and hair?
Terminal hairs require androgens
Vellus hair are independent of androgens
Stages of hair growth?
Catagen (transitional phase)
Telogen (resting phase)
Anagen (growing phase)
Most hair is in what stage?
Anagen (growing) phase - 90%
Telogen (resting phase) 10%
Alopecial chart
Slide 7
telogen effluvium
Diffuse loss of hair Normal healthy scalp Loss of resting hair Last 4 weeks Any age
telogen effluvium, how much hair is lost?
Up to 50%
Who gets telogen effluvium the most?
Women, its also related to stress mostly
Etiology of telogen effluvium?
Loss of resting hairs Ready to be shed Follows: - physical, emotional stress - delivery of child - dc oral contraceptives - high fever, surgery - serious wt loss
Tx for telogen effluvium?
Reassurance - it’ll grow back
Full recovery expectd
What is androgenic alopcia?
Male pattern baldness
- due to progressive shortening of successive androgen cycles
Pt profile for androgenic alopecia?
Family hx
Thinning age is 12-40
Morphology of androgenic alopcia?
Top/vertex - androgen sensitive
Sides - androgen independent
Tx for androgenic alopecia
Minoxidil (rogane) topical Finasteride (propecia) oral Dutasteride (avodart) oral Transplant Advancement flaps Hair weave Toupe
How does minoxidil (rogaine) work?
Increases duration of anagen - follicles rest to grow and enlarges miniaturized follicles
Can take up to 1 yr to start working
Ideal candidate for minoxidil?
<30 yrs
<5 yrs hair loss
How does dutasteride (avodart) work?
Dual inhibitor of type I and II 5a-reductases
- inhibits conversion of testosterone to DHT