#15 ANTS and SYNS Flashcards
reluctant, unwilling, averse, tepid
ANTS for zealous
loquacious, garrulous, long-winded, prolix
SYNS for voluble
uncommunicative, reticent, terse
ANTS for voluble
emphatic, vigorous, impassioned
SYNS for vehement
apathetic, lukewarm, subdued, muted
ANTS for vehement
groggy, soporific
SYNS for somnolent
alert, lively, wide-awake, stimulating
ANTS for somnolent
delectable, flavorful, aromatic, piquant
SYNS for savory
distasteful, unpalatable, malodorous, stimulating
ANTS for savory
taciturn, closemouthed, tight-lipped
SYNS for reticent
talkative, garrulous, voluble, long-winded
ANTS for reticent
subdue, curb, stifle, bottle up
SYNS for repress
liberate, set loose, provoke, excite
ANTS for repress
repudiate, disown, abdicate
SYNS for renounce
retain, secure, affirm, assent, aver
ANTS for renounce
open-minded, tolerant, amenable
SYNS for receptive
narrow-minded, intolerant, hidebound
ANTS for receptive
boisterous, clamorous, strident
SYNS for raucous
placid, tranquil, peaceful, serene, pastoral
ANTS for raucous
chaos, bedlam, three-ring circus
SYNS for pandemonium
order, calm, tranquillity, peace, repose
ANTS for pandemonium
fantastic, outlandish, ugly, deformed
SYNS for grotesque
appealing, attractive, comely
ANTS for grotesque
row, altercation, rhubarb, brouhaha
SYNS for fracas
agreement, accord, unanimity, harmony
ANTS for fracas
elucidate, untangle, spell out
SYNS for explicate
confuse, bewilder, obscure, obfuscate
ANTS for explicate
vilification, calumny,
salute, tribute
ANTS for defamation
agree, assent, ratify, sanction
SYNS for concur
disagree, differ, part company
ANTS for concur
snug, unconcerned
SYNS for complacent
ANTS for complacent
vexation, mortification; abash, mortify
SYNS for chagrin
jubilation, exultation, triumph; exult, delight
ANTS for chagrin
accustom, learn the ropes
SYNS for acclimate
chafing, grating, rasping, erosive
SYNS for abrasive
smooth, polished, satiny, oily
ANTS for abrasive
ardent, fervent, devout, dogged, gung ho
SYNS for zealous