#13 ANTS and SYNS Flashcards
final terms
SYNS for ultimatum
specify, contract, provide for
SYNS for stipulate
thundering, deafening, earsplitting
SYNS for stentorian
hushed, inaudible, whispered, mute
ANTS for stentorian
unruffled, composed, cool and collected
SYNS for sedate
loud, flashy, flamboyant, garish, flighty
ANTS for sedate
valor, courage, heroism, mastery, proficiency
SYNS for prowess
cowardice, incompetence, ineptitiude
ANTS for prowess
exclusive license, evident
SYNS for patent
concealed, hidden, secret
ANTS for patent
counter, oppose, work against
SYNS for militate
feeble, impotent, unobjectionable, insipid
SYNS for innocuous
harmful, dangerous, pernicious, toxic, virulent
ANTS for innocuous
tiny, minuscule
SYNS for infinitesimal
vast, immense, huge, infinite
ANTS for infinitesimal
vast, immense, huge, infinite
ANTS for infinitesimal
relentless, inexorable, unappeasable
SYNS for implacable
lenient, indulgent, permissive, flexible
ANTS for implacable
swallow, gulp, quaff, digest
SYNS for imbibe
eject, emit, expel, discharge
ANTS for imbibe
replica, duplicate, clone
SYNS for facsimile
variation, modification, permutation
ANTS for facsimile
lively, ebulient, impressible, lavish
SYNS for exuberant
depressed, despondent, sulky, restrained
ANTS for exuberant
intimidation, coerciion
SYNS for duress
persuasion, coaxing
ANTS for duress
seemliness, good form, propriety
SYNS for decorum
impropriety, bad form, bad taste
ANTS for decorium
concern, commiseration, empathy
SYNS for compassion
indifference, callousness, heartlessness
ANTS for compassion
assail, harass, badger, pester, torment
SYNS for beset
property, holding, endowment
SYNS for asset
drawback, handicap, liability
ANTS for asset
appropriate, fit, apt, apposite
SYNS for applicable
inappropriate, unsuitable, irrelevant
ANTS for applicable
hostility, enmity, aversion, bad blood
SYNS for antipathy
attraction, appeal, allure, sympathy
ANTS for antipathy