#12 ANTS and SYNS Flashcards
forswear, retract, abstain from
SYNS for abjure
affirm, avow, aver, profess
ANTS for abjure
irritating, stinging, bitter caustic
SYNS for acrid
gentle, soothing, mild
ANTS for acrid
stately, dignified, exalted, venerable
SYNS for august
humble, base, mean, lowly, abject
ANTS for august
insensitive, unsympathetic, thick-skinned
SYNS for callous
sensitive, compassionate, tenderhearted
ANTS for callous
covert, surreptitious, stealthy
SYNS for clandestine
open, overt, undisguised, aboveboard
ANTS for clandestine
scruple, qualm, misgiving, contritioin
SYNS for compunction
shamelessness, insouciance, nonchalance
ANTS for compunction
holocaust, wildfire
SYNS for conflagration
ANTS for conflagration
overjoyed, ecstatic, tickled ppink
SYNS for elated
depressed, crestfallen, despondent, blue
ANTS for elated
lasting, permanent
SYNS for indelible
erasable, impermanent, ephemeral
ANTS for indelible
permissive, tolerant, liberal
SYNS for indulgent
strict, severe, hard-nosed
ANTS for indulgent
persisting, chronic, dyed-in-the-wool
SYNS for inveterate
sporadic, intermittent, occasional
ANTS for inveterate
inapplicable, immaterial, beside the point
SYNS for irrelevent
pertinent, material, apropos, germane
ANTS for irrelevent
SYNS for nocturnal
daytime, diurnal
ANTS for nocturnal
cliche, truism, bromide
SYNS for platitude
epigram, quip, witticism, bon mot
ANTS for platitude
pacify, squelch, quash, crush
SYNS for quell
incite, provoke, arouse, foment, stir up
ANTS for quell
still, inert, motionless, tranquil
SYNS for quiescent
active, thriving, bustling, volatile
ANTS for quiescent
ponder, reflect, mull over, muse
SYNS for ruminate
unexpressed, unvoiced, understood, implicit
SYNS for tacit
explicit, express, specific
ANTS for tacit
perceptible, actual, evident
SYNS for tangible
immaterial, imperceptible, insubstantial
ANTS for tangible
penetrating, cutting, telling, acute
SYNS for trenchant
dull, bland, insipid, vapid, imperceptive
ANTS for trenchant