146 Final - Ethical Theories Flashcards
John Stuart Mill
Wrote the subjection of Women, On Liberty, and considerations of representative government.
Certain normative properties depend only on consequences.
Subject of Consequentialism, Source of moral reasons is the welfare of sentient beings, Aggregate and maximize wellbeing.
The view that well being exists in the absence of suffering and existence of happiness.
Subordinate Principles
Rules to follow that promote happiness , We all care about our own happiness.
Biased towards people you know
Not being bias
Arguments for Hedonism
Everybody wants to be happy
Arguments Against Hedonism
No time to calculate
Mill’s Proof of Utilitarianism
Something is seen when it can be seen, something is heard when it can be heard, something is desired when it can be desired ? No, desirable means worth wanting.
Immanuel Kant
Believes we are rational beings (Theoretical and Practical Reasonings (when see this study the two reasoning)).
Categorical Imperative
Binding on you no matter what you want …
- Tells us what to do in order for our act to have moral worth
- We must act only according to principles we think should apply to everyone
- An absolute command regardless of what your goals are
Hypothetical Imperatives
Not biding, if you want to go law school then study for LSAT, doesn’t have moral worth
The action you are performing and why
Acting in Accordance with Duty vs. Acting from Duty
It’s categorical vs. Hypothetical imperatives