1401. Book One - Chapter 14 : 10 themes - Set 01 Flashcards
Mind is identical with Supermind
in essence.
Mind is a development by limitation
out of Supermind.
Mind resolves itself back into Supermind through
reverse development by expansion.
Supermind is vast self-extension of Brahman that
contains and develops.
In Supermind knowledge is not
divorced from will.
Supermind starts from unity,
not division.
Supermind is Real-Idea which knows itself and all
that it becomes.
Supermind differentiates, but it does not
Mind knows only its own analysis and conceives
divisions as real.
Supermind is intermediary creatrix between
One and divided many.
Mind is ….with Supermind in essence.
Mind is a …. out of Supermind.
development by limitation
Mind resolves itself …through reverse development by expansion.
back into Supermind
Supermind is vast … that contains and develops.
self-extension of Brahman
In Supermind … is not divorced from will.
Supermind…. not division.
starts from unity,
Supermind is Real-Idea which … and all that it becomes.
knows itself
Supermind …, but it does not divide.
Mind knows only its … and conceives divisions as real.
own analysis
Supermind is … between One and divided many.
intermediary creatrix