0201. Book One - Chapter 2 : 10 Themes - Set 01 Flashcards
You will learn 10 themes in Book One Chapter 2. Front shows first part of a statement and you will recall the next part.
There is a series of ascending terms between ….
Spirit and Matter
The rationalism of Materialism has done mankind …
a great service
We must keep our feet firmly on ….
the physical
Error is the handmaid and pathfinder of ….
If not knowable by thought, the Unknowable is ….
attainable by consciousness
The Unknown is not ….
the Unknowable
All possible knowledge is knowledge …
within the power of humanity
Knowledge, by whatever path it is followed, tends…
to become one.
Whatever man constantly wills, …
he must be able to do
The machinery of Ego ….
will vanish
There is a …. between Spirit and Matter
series of ascending terms
The …. has done mankind a great service
rationalism of Materialism
We must keep …. firmly on the physical
our feet
…. is the handmaid and pathfinder of Truth
If not …., the Unknowable is attainable by consciousness
knowable by thought
The …. is not the Unknowable
All …. is knowledge within the power of humanity
possible knowledge
Knowledge, …, tends to become one
by whatever path it is followed
Whatever man …., he must be able to do
constantly wills
The …. will vanish
machinery of Ego