0101. Book One - Chapter 1 : 10 Themes - Set 01 Flashcards
You will learn 10 themes in Book One Chapter 1. Front shows first part of a statement and you will recall the next part.
From the earliest time man has aspired for ….
God, Light, Freedom, Immortality
The higher experiences are attained by a revolutionary individual effort or ….
an Evolutionary general progression
Direct opposition is ….
Nature’s profoundest method
All problems of existence are ….
problems of harmony
The greater the disorder ….
the stronger is the spur
Life is already involved in ….
Mind is already involved in ….
Reason can understand ….
Contraries are ….
Do not stop in the middle. Go to the ….
From …. man has aspired for God, Light, Freedom, Immortality
the earliest time
The higher experiences are attained by a …. or an Evolutionary general progression
revolutionary individual effort
…. is Nature’s profoundest method
Direct opposition
All …. are problems of harmony
problems of existence
The …., the stronger is the spur
greater the disorder
…. is already involved in Matter
…. is already involved in Life
…. can understand evolution.
…. are complementarities.
Do not stop in …. Go to the end.
the middle