14. Virus structure and transmission Flashcards
Purified virus particle
Simplest life form
Seen through electron microscope
Purified virus particle
Simplest life form
Seen through electron microscope
Proteins coded by nucleic acid
Have virion acting as hereditary material, known as virus genome
Main viral characteristics
All viruses obligate intracellular parasite: only growing appropriate host
Any given virus has specific host: doesn’t jump between host.
Virus genome enclosed in capsid: formed from identical capsomeres.
Many viruses additionally enclosed in one or more lipid membrane envelopes, host-derived with virus encoding proteins.
Main viral structures
Naked icosahedral: Poliovirus Naked helical: Tobacco mosaic virus, no known human virus with this structure Enveloped icosahedral: Herpes Enveloped helical: Measles Complex: poxvirus
Viral classification
Morphology - Size/Shape
Biology - Type of tissue infected
Genome organisation and replication - Baltimore classification.
Baltimore classification
Divides viruses to 7 types depending on genome and how genome changes to mRNA for protein synthesis.
Cycle of infection
Transmission -> Entry -> Primary site replication -> Spread within host -> Shedding -> Transmission
Horizontal transmission - Respiratory
Causes respiratory disease: rhinovirus,influenza, measles.
Droplet size determines route of transmission
Horizontal transmission - Faecaloral
Hepatitis A: Inflammation of liver -> jaundice.
Poliovirus: 1% have paralytic poliomyelitis, muscle paralysis
Horizontal transmission - Sexual
Hepatitis B: Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human papillomavirus: 6/11 - genital warts, 16/18 - cervical and penile cancer.
Horizontal transmission - Urine
Cytomegalovirus and poliovirus
Horizontal transmission - Mechanical
Blood borne virus - HIV/HBV/HCV
Transfer of blood
Vertical transmission
Mother -> Child
Primary infection of mother while pregnant or reactivation of persistent function.
Vertical transmission: Transplacental
Rubella - congenital defects, cardiovascular/hearing/sight
Vertical transmission: During birth/perinatal transmission
Herpes simplex 1 and 2
Type 1 most common
Vertical transmission: After birth/postnatal transmission
HIV-1 in breastmilk
HBV in saliva
Animal -> Man
Reservoir/primary host : Animal where virus replicates
Vector: Animal that transmits virus
Preventing transmission
Critical in controlling viral transmission
Barrier nursing
Factors of preventing transmission
Sanitation Climate Viral vectors Healthcare Population density Poverty Behaviour
Proteins coded by nucleic acid
Have virion acting as hereditary material, known as virus genome
Main viral characteristics
All viruses obligate intracellular parasite: only growing appropriate host
Any given virus has specific host: doesn’t jump between host.
Virus genome enclosed in capsid: formed from identical capsomeres.
Many viruses additionally enclosed in one or more lipid membrane envelopes, host-derived with virus encoding proteins.
Main viral structures
Naked icosahedral: Poliovirus Naked helical: Tobacco mosaic virus, no known human virus with this structure Enveloped icosahedral: Herpes Enveloped helical: Measles Complex: poxvirus
Viral classification
Morphology - Size/Shape
Biology - Type of tissue infected
Genome organisation and replication - Baltimore classification.
Baltimore classification
Divides viruses to 7 types depending on genome and how genome changes to mRNA for protein synthesis.
Cycle of infection
Transmission -> Entry -> Primary site replication -> Spread within host -> Shedding -> Transmission
Horizontal transmission - Respiratory
Causes respiratory disease: rhinovirus,influenza, measles.
Droplet size determines route of transmission
Horizontal transmission - Faecaloral
Hepatitis A: Inflammation of liver -> jaundice.
Poliovirus: 1% have paralytic poliomyelitis, muscle paralysis
Horizontal transmission - Sexual
Hepatitis B: Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human papillomavirus: 6/11 - genital warts, 16/18 - cervical and penile cancer.
Horizontal transmission - Urine
Cytomegalovirus and poliovirus
Horizontal transmission - Mechanical
Blood borne virus - HIV/HBV/HCV
Transfer of blood
Vertical transmission
Mother -> Child
Primary infection of mother while pregnant or reactivation of persistent function.
Vertical transmission: Transplacental
Rubella - congenital defects, cardiovascular/hearing/sight
Vertical transmission: During birth/perinatal transmission
Herpes simplex 1 and 2
Type 1 most common
Vertical transmission: After birth/postnatal transmission
HIV-1 in breastmilk
HBV in saliva
Animal -> Man
Reservoir/primary host : Animal where virus replicates
Vector: Animal that transmits virus
Preventing transmission
Critical in controlling viral transmission
Barrier nursing
Factors of preventing transmission
Sanitation Climate Viral vectors Healthcare Population density Poverty Behaviour