14) Systematic Reviews Flashcards
Systematic reviews
Defined literature search Thorough - appraisal of individual studies identified - summary of these studies - either descriptive OR metaanalysis
- stastical technique for combining data from multiple similar studies into a quantitative summary statistic
Systematic reviews and metaanalysis
- not all systemtic reviews are metaanalysis and vice versa
Why do we need systematic reviews
- increase power to detect intervention effects
- explore between study differences
- cope with the amount of medical literature
- systematic
Appropriate inclusion criteria
Explicitely given before results analysed
- matched to research question asked
- methodological standards of included studies
Complete data?
- poor search
- publication bias
- location bias
- duplication bias
Will the treatment recomendation be clear from a systematic review?
- sometimes
Should systematic reviews only be done on placebo-controlled trials?
- new treatments should always be compared to the best treatment available
Is a meta analysis
A) a statistical technique for detecting bias?
B) A statistical technique for combining data from studies into a quantitative summary statistic
C) An analysis of meta data?
B) a statistical technique for combining data from studies into a quantitative summary statistic
True or false: including data from a conderence abstract in a systematic review will introduce bias because the research has not been peer reviewes
False: its all about publication bias