14 Flashcards
presentation c.diff
mild diarrhoea -> severe colitis
- diarrhoea
- fever
- loss of appetite
- nausea
- abdo pain
- dehydration
used to be an occupational hazard of farmers, vets etc.
organisms were excreted in milk, placenta and aborted foetus
presentation Zika virus
- typically asymptomatic or - headache - rash - fever - malaise - conjunctivitis - joint pains
- can cause microcephaly in unborn children
presentation carbuncles
located @ back of neck/ posterior trunk/ thigh
multiseptated abscesses
purulent material
constitutional symptoms common
if a traveller returned with hepatomegaly consider
- hepatitis
- malaria
- typhoid
- amoebic abscess
most common organism erysipelas
strep pyogenes (2/3) and staph aureus (1/3)
describe erysipelas
infection of upper dermis
management crypotoccus and cryptococcosis infections
AmB and flucytosine
management cryptococcal meningitis
AmB + flucytosine
followed by
fluconazole maintenance
predisposing factors pyomyositis
- diabetes
- HIV/ immunosuppressed
- rheumatological disease
- malignancy
- liver cirrhosis
brucellosis investigation precautions
warn lab sample is coming because can spread in lab
commonest pyomyositis organism
staph aureus
what happens in acute disease phase of schistosomiasis infection
- 6-8 weeks
- egg deposited in bowel or bladder
gram positive cocci that form grape-like clusters on a gram stain
staph aureus
is a farmer with fever and protracted flu-like symptoms more likely to have leptospirosis or brucellosis