14-17 Flashcards
Long target film distance
Image sharper and less magnification
Paralleling technique
Long target image receptor destabt 12 inch to 16 inch PID
Bicuspid technique
The shorter 8 inch PID
Come and save the lack of parallel is him between the long axis of the bottom tooth and the plan of the image receptor
When the vertical angulation is excessive (greater then perpendicular to the imaginary bisector) of the image will be foreshortened
I’ve had way too much to drink I need to be cut off
Decrease intake, use technique to correct foreshortened
How to correct for shortening?
Decrease the vertical angulation
When the vertical angulation is in adequate (less than perpendicular to the imaginary bisector), the image will be elongated
I have a long night of drinking ahead of me I need to catch up
Used to correct elongation
How to correct elongation errors
Increase the vertical angulation
Which film is preferred on bite wings emanations
Number two
What are the disadvantages and advantages of using number three on bitewings
Advantages-One film is needed on each side
Disadvantages it can cause overlapping and his mirror and cannot reveal all the crestal bone level
Occlusal examination
Is to show the entire maxillary and mandible arch or positions there of on a single film
Used when large areas of the Maxilla or the mandible must be visible
Orientation of the image receptor occlusal technique
White side facing the arch that is being exposed
Receptor is placed in the mouth between the occlusal surface of the maxillary mandibul teeth
Receptor is stabilizing the patient gently bite on the surface receptor
Occlusal radiographs
2 pediatric 4adults
Topographic projections
Used to examine the pallet in the anterior teeth
Lateral projections
Used to examine the pallet of roots of molar teeth. And maybe I’ll see you to book a foreign bodies or lesions in the posterior maxilla
Pediatric projections
Used to them in the anterior teeth of the maxilla and is recommended for children under five
Bitewing radiographs
And Inzer oral radiograph it shows a crowns of both the upper and lower teeth
Cone cut error
It term used to describe a tech nique air and went to center beam is not directed toward the center of the image receptor, resulting in a blank area and I’m part of the radiographs that was not reached by radiation.. To fix move towards the cone
Horizontal angulation
Direction of central beam in a horizontal plane encourage horizontal angulation results and overlapping the proximal structures
Paralleling technique
And her oral technique that place is the image receptor position parallel to the long axis of the teeth want to center beam radiation is directed perpendicularly a right angle towards both the Teeth and image receptor
Which of these is not an answer or a radiograph
Which radio graph is used most often to the tech proximal surface dental decay
Where’s enter oral technique satisfies more Shadowcasting principles
Which intraoral technique is based on the rule of iso symmetry
Are are correct except
A)object and interceptors should be perpendicular to each other
B) object and image receptor should be as close as possible to each other
C) object should be as far as practical from the target source of radiation
D) radiation should strike the object an image receptor perpendicularly
What is the minimal image receptor requirement for an adult full mouth series of periapical radiographs
How many size to image receptors are required by most healthcare practices for the exposure of posterior Rady agar fee of a full mouth series
Lining the image receptor up behind the right and left central lateral incisors to include them mesial half of the right and left canine describe the image receptor placement of which of the following periapical radiographs
Central incisors
Anterior. Apical an injury such as our place in the oral cavity. Posterior periapical image receptors are placed in the oral cavity
Vertically and horizontally
Where should the end boss identification .be position when taking periodical
Toward the Invisal or icclusal edge of the tooth
The x-ray head to my space world from side to side to adjust a vertical angulation of the central Ray
F horizontal ang
To avoid overlap air the central ray must be directed perpendicular to the curvature of the arch through the contact points of the teeth
At what setting with the PID be pointing to the floor
And incorrect point of entry roll result in
Cone cutting
Osseous plane parallel in mid sagittal plane perpendicular to the floor
Full mouth series exposure
Maxillary anterior Mandylor interiors maxillary posteriors minimal or posters
What Shadowcasting principle is not likely to be met when utilizing the paralleling technique
Object and image receptor should be as close as possible to each other
To come and see it for the increased object image receptor distance needed to achieve parallelism the target image receptor dissension be
Which of the following is not an advantage of the paralleling technique
Easy tech for kids
Film holders designed for use with the paralleling technique should have
Long bite block and l shape
Which can be used in both paralleling and bisecting technique
Each of the following is part of the excess of old XTP holder except
105 degree block
Lying the image receptor up behind the distal half of the canine to include the first and second premolar an easel half of the first more describes a placement of which of the following
To determine the horizontal angulation of the maxillary molar radiographs, and the central rays of the x-ray beam should be directed at the image receptor perpendicularly city and embraSures of the
First and 2nd molar
Determine the horizontal angulation of the mandibular pre-Mohler radiograph the central rays of the x-ray beam should be directed at the image receptor perpendicularly through the embers as of the
First and second premolars
Directing essential raise perpendicular to the plan of the image receptor and perpendicular to the long and axes of the teeth which step in patrolling
Vertical ang
Putting out the route Apex portion of the teeth funny periapical radiograph results
An adequate vertical angulation
Short target film distance
Divergent x-ray beam