14/15/16 test court cases Flashcards
Marbury vs. Madison
If a law/presidential action conflicts with the constitution, it is void
Brown vs Board of education
Supreme court strikes down racially mandates segregation
Row vs Wade
legalized abortion
Wahsington vs Glucksberg
suicide is not a fundamental right
Vacci vs Quill
Supreme court said the NY law banning physician assisted suicide is valid
Lemon vs Kurtzman
States can not pay parochial school teacher salaries to teach secular subjects-3 pronged test
Agostini vs Felton
Public schools teachers can teach congressionally mediated course to disadvantaged kids in NY parochial schools-gov must be neutral and not excessively entangled with religion
Zelmon vs. Simmons-Harris
Program did not favor religious or nonreligious schools when aid went to a student or parent who then chose a school
Lynch vs Donnelly
Display of religious artifacts on public property does not violate the establishment clause
Engel vs Vitale
Prayer approved by state schools is unconstitutional
Sherbert vs Verner
you cant be denied unemployment compensation for being unable to work for religious purposes
Schenck vs U.S.
clear and present danger test during speech
Abrams vs U.S.
court upheld Abram’s criminal conviction for distributing leaflets denouncing the war and US opposition to the Russian Revolution
Gitlow vs. NY
court upheld Gitlow getting arrested for distributing copies of a “left wing manifesto” calling for socialism through strikes and working class uprisings
Brandenburg vs Ohio
Reversed Brandenburg’s conviction for racial strife’s and threatening officials
Tinker vs Des Moines Independent County School District
overturned suspension of 3 students wearing armbands protesting vietnam war because there was no evidence a disturbance would be cause
Chaplinsky vs New Hampshire
Upheld Chaplinsky’s conviction for using fighting words meant to inflict injury and disturb peace
Cohen vs CA
The court reversed the arrest of someone’s shirt saying “fuck the draft stop the vietnam war”
Reno vs ACLU
internet is more analogous to print media than tv and free speech applies
New York Times vs Sullivan
All statements, even false ones are protected unless published with actual malice
Near vs Minnesota
Struck down a law saying that declaring prior restraint places an unacceptable burden on free press
New York Times vs US
Pentagon papers: court ruled government had not met the requirement of proof that harm would result from publication of the papers
District of Columbia vs Heller
overturned a law barring private possession of handguns and required the dissembly or use of trigger blocks on rifles and shotguns
Palko vs Connecticut
Upheld Palko’s second conviction if getting sentenced to death because only fundamental rights are absorbed by the 14th Amendment
Duncan vs Louisiana
the right to a jury trial in criminal cases applied to all nonpetty criminal cases
Gideon vs Wainright
everyone has the right to an attorney
Wolf vs Colorado
the core of the 4th Amendment is a fundamental right(illegal search/seizure)
Mapp vs Ohio
Evidence obtained by illegal search and seizure is not allowed in a state court
US vs Leon
Evidence found as a result of a mistakenly issued warrant is ok
Hamdan vs Rumsfield
unbounded authority in the military commissions for enemy comabatants in Guantanamo bay is unconstitutional
Boumediene vs Bush
Prisoners in Guantanamo have a right to challenge their detentions in federal courts
Griswold vs Connecticut
court struck down a CT statute making birth control devices a crime, zone of provacy protected by 9th Amendment
Roe vs Wade
legalized abortion
Webster vs Reproductive Health Services
The court upheld a law that denied use of public employees/facilities for abortion unless the woman’s life is danger
Planned Parenthood vs Casey
court struck down a Nebraska law banning partial birth abortion
Bowers vs Hardwick
the constitution does not protect homosexual relations between consenting adults, even in their own homes
Lawrence and Garner vs Texas
A YX law banning homosexual sodonomy was void bc it intruded on privacy without furthering the state
Swann vs. Mecklenburg county schools
court ruled right of lower courts to order busing of children to ensure desegregation
Grove city vs bell
departments of institution receiving gov. funds cant discriminate, but the rest if the institution can