134 Medical Battalion Flashcards
Mission of Medical Battalion
To provide health service support to the operating units of the MEF to save every life
6 tasks of Med BN
- Provide health care through the 2nd echelon of medical care
- Provide medical regulating services for the MEF
- Provide Prev Med support to the MEF
- Assist in the collection, analysis and dissemination of medical intelligence
- Provide the medical elements for the establishment of casualty decontamination and treatment stations
- Provide medical support for the management of mass casualties and combat stress casualties
Mission of Med BN H&S Company
Provide command, control and command support functions for the medical battalion
4 tasks of Med BN H&S Company
- Provide administrative, organic supply, light motor transportation and maintenance support to the battalion
- Provide limited medical evacuation for the battalion
- Provide medical data coordination for the battalion
- Provide medical department personnel, as required, to the headquarters element
Mission of Med BN Surgical Support Company
Provide general medical support to the MEF, including medical treatment facilities for medical and surgical care and temporary casualty holding
Organization of Med BN Surgical Support Company
- HQ Platoon
- Triage/Evacuation Platoon
- Surgical Platoon
- Holding Platoon
- Combat Stress Platoon
- Ancillary Service Platoon
Surgical Platoon of Med BN consists of how many surgical sections?
How many operating rooms does Surgical Platoon support?
1 operating room for 24 hour ops
Holding Platoon of Med BN contains how many wards with how many beds?
3 ward sections each containing 20 medical/surgical beds
Ancillary Services Platoon contains how many of each section?
- 2 Lab sections
- 2 Pharmacy sections
- 2 X-ray sections
6 tasks of Surgical Support Company
- Establish medical treatment facilities for resuscitative surgery, medical treatment and temporary hospitalization of casualties
- be prepared to receive casualties from the next forward medical treatment echelon in the evacuation chain
- Establish medical treatment facilities for resuscitative surgery, medical treatment and temporary holding of casualties from supported forces
- Prepare to evacuate casualties whose medical requirements exceed the established theater evacuation policy
- Provide and coordinate medical evacuation for the landing force
- Provide medical support to personnel of other services and nations as provided on applicable regulations and agreements, and provide humanitarian care as required by internal law
Mission of Shock Trauma Platoon
Provide direct medical support to the MEF, including collecting, clearing and evacuating casualties from supported MEF elements
What is the smallest mobile medical support element of Med BN
Shock Trauma Platoon
How many Shock Trauma platoons are there?
What does the Shock Trauma platoon consist of?
- Stabilization section
- Collecting and Evacuation section