132 Maintenance Battalion Flashcards
Mission of Maintenance Battalion
Provide intermediate-level support to include wheeled and tracked vehicle recovery, salvage and disposal and general maintenance support, for the MEF’s ground equipment in order to improve and sustain MAGTF combat power
8 tasks of Maintenance Battalion
- Provide 3d echelon maintenance on end items by means of component/subassembly replacement or repair
- Provide intermediate (4th echelon) maintenance support of the secondary repairable program
- Provide tracked- vehicle evacuation capability
- Provide calibration serves for electronic and mechanical test
- Provide organizational (2d echelon) and intermediate (3d and 4th echelon) maintenance on end items
- Provide technical assistance and overflow organizational (2nd echelon) maintenance for support units as directed by higher headquarters
- Provide intermediate maintenance and modification application on in-stock equipment
- Provide technical inspections ervices
Mission of Maintenance Battalion H&S Company
Command and control, administration and command support functions for the maintenance battalion
Mission of Maintenance Battalion Ordnance Maintenance Company
Provide intermediate (3d and 4th echelon) maintenance support for the Marine Corps- furnished ordnance equipment of a MEF
Mission of Maintenance Battalion Engineer Maintenance Company
Provide intermediate (3d and 4th echelon) maintenance support for Marine Corps-furnished engineering equipment of a MEF
Mission of Maintenance Battalion Electronics Maintenance Company
Provide intermediate maintenance (3d and 4th) echelon support for the Marine-Corps furnished ground communications-electronics equipment of a MEF
Mission of Maintenance Battalion Motor Transport Company
Provide intermediate (3d and 4th echelon) maintenance support for the motor transport equipment of the MEF
Mission of Maintenance Battalion General Support Company
Provide general support intermediate (3d and 4th echelon) maintenance support, including component rebuilding for Marine Corps-Furnished ground equipment of a MEF, except for communications-electronics equipment and fire control components
Who performs organizational maintenance
Using unit performs organizational maintenance on its assigned equipment
What does organizational maintenance focus on?
Operator and crew preventive/corrective measures
Organizational maintenance includes what echelons?
First and second
Who performs first echelon maintenance?
User/equipment operator
Who performs second echelon maintenance?
Specially trained personnel within the organization
What does intermediate maintenance consist of?
Calibration, repair or replacement of damaged or unserviceable parts
Intermediate maintenance comprises what echelons?
3d and 4th