1.32 Kinship Phrases Flashcards
Who is this?
awīna awa?
ᐊᐑᓇ ᐊᐘ?
This is my daughter.
nitānis awa.
ᓂᑖᓂᐢ ᐊᐘ᙮
What is your daughter’s name?
tānisi isiyihkāsow kitānis?
ᑖᓂᓯ ᐃᓯᔨᐦᑳᓱᐤ ᑭᑖᓂᐢ?
My daughter’s name is Amanda.
Amanda isiyihkāsow nitānis.
Amanda ᐃᓯᔨᐦᑳᓱᐤ ᓂᑖᓂᐢ᙮
Where is your daughter from?
tānitē ohcīw kitānis?
ᑖᓂᑌ ᐅᐦᒌᐤ ᑭᑖᓂᐢ?
My daughter is from Toronto.
Toronto ohcīw nitānis.
Toronto ᐅᐦᒌᐤ ᓂᑖᓂᐢ᙮
Where does your daughter live now?
tānitē mēkwāc wīkiw kitānis?
ᑖᓂᑌ ᒣᒁᐨ ᐑᑭᐤ ᑭᑖᓂᐢ?
My daughter lives in Edmonton now.
Edmonton mēkwāc wīkiw nitānis.
Edmonton ᒣᒁᐨ ᐑᑭᐤ ᓂᑖᓂᐢ᙮
How old is your daughter?
tānitahtopiponēw kitānis?
ᑖᓂᑕᐦᑐᐱᐳᓀᐤ ᑭᑖᓂᐢ?
My daughter is 20 years old.
nīstanaw itahtopiponēw nitānis.
ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᐃᑕᐦᑐᐱᐳᓀᐤ ᓂᑖᓂᐢ᙮
Whose son is this?
awīna ōhi okosisa?
ᐊᐑᓇ ᐆᐦᐃ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ?
That is Taya’s son.
Taya anihi okosisa.
Taya ᐊᓂᐦᐃ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ᙮
What is her son’s name?
tānisi isiyihkāsoyiwa okosisa?
ᑖᓂᓯ ᐃᓯᔨᐦᑳᓱᔨᐘ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ?
Andreas is her son’s name.
Andreas isiyihkāsoyiwa okosisa.
Andreas ᐃᓯᔨᐦᑳᓱᔨᐘ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ᙮
Where is her son from?
tānitē ohcīyiwa okosisa?
ᑖᓂᑌ ᐅᐦᒌᔨᐘ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ?
Her son is from Edmonton.
Edmonton ohcīyiwa okosisa.
Edmonton ᐅᐦᒌᔨᐘ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ᙮
Where does her son live now?
tānitē mēkwac wīkiyiwa okosisa?
ᑖᓂᑌ ᒣᑿᐨ ᐑᑭᔨᐘ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ?
How old is her son?
tānitahtopiponēyiwa okosisa?
ᑖᓂᑕᐦᑐᐱᐳᓀᔨᐘ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ?
Her son is 1 year old.
pēyak itahtopiponēyiwa okosisa.
ᐯᔭᐠ ᐃᑕᐦᑐᐱᐳᓀᔨᐘ ᐅᑯᓯᓴ᙮
these (inanimate noun)
this (obviative)
those (inanimate noun)
that (obviative)