1.30 Convergence and continuity Flashcards
Simple sandwich rule for limits
w_n ≤ x_n ≤y_n for all n
If w_n tends to 0 and y_n tends to 0 then x_n does
e.g. 0 ≤ d(x,y) can be used
Archimedean property of reals
for any two positive real numbers a and b, a < b there exists a positive integer n such that na > b
DEF 1.32 Convergence
We say x_n → x ( xn converges to x) if d(x_n, x) → 0 as n → ∞.
x_n → x if for any ε > 0 ∃N ∈ N st ∀n > N we
have d(x, x_ n) < ε.
THM 1.33 convergence equivalence
Let (x_n) be a sequence in a metric space (X, d). Then the following
are equivalent:
- x_n → x;
- for every open U with x ∈ U, ∃N > 0 s.t. (n > N) ⇒ x_n ∈ U;
- for every ε > 0 ∃N > 0 s.t. (n > N) ⇒ x_n ∈ B_ε(x).
PROOF of THM 1.33 convergence equivalence
1→2: If x_n → x and x ∈ U, then there is a ball Bε(x) ⊂ U, since U is open. x_n → x so d(xn, x) < ε for n sufficiently large, so., x_n ∈ U for n sufficiently large
(there is N= N( ε) st ∀n>N lie in nhd Bε(x))
2→3: As U is open for each x ∃ε>0 s.tBε(x) ⊂ U. Thus x_n ∈Bε(x) as d(x,x_n)<ε
3→1: For a given ε>0 and large n x_n∈Bε(x) implies d(x_n,x)< ε
THM 1.34 x ∈ s̅ when sequence…
Let S be a subset of the metric space X.
Then x ∈ s̅ IFF there is a sequence (xn) of points of S with x_n → x
Corollary 1.35 (Closedness under taking limits)
A subset Y ⊂ X of a metric space
(X, d) is closed if and only if for every sequence (xn) in Y that is convergent in X its
limit is also in Y .
the closure s̅ is obtained from S by adding all possible limit points of sequences in S
Def (f_n) converges pointwise
(f_n) converges pointwise to f if for each x in [a.b] (f_n(x)) converges to f(x) in R
f_n→ f pointwise as n tends to infitiy f_n(x) → f(x) for all x in [a,b]
Proof: thm1.35 sequence and s̅
If x ∈ s̅ then by thm 1.28 we have V∩S ≠Ø for all nhds V of x. For each n we choose B_{1/n}(x). Then B_{1/n} ∩S ≠Ø.
For a sequence (x_n)∈S choose such a sequence in x_n ∈ B_{1/n}∩S.
as n→∞ d(x_n,x)→0 so x_n →x
If x ∉s̅ then there is a NHD U of x with U ∩S =Ø → no sequence in S can get into U so it cannot converge to x.
Take (R^2, d1), where d_1(x, y) = |x_1−y_1|+|x_2−y_2|
Consider sequence
(1/n,{2n+1}/{n+1} ). Limit?
We guess its limit is (0, 2). To
see if this is right, look at
d_1((1/n,{2n+1}/{n+1} ),(0, 2))
= |1/n| + |* -2|
= (1/n) + (1/(n+1)) → 0 as n → ∞. So the limit is (0, 2).
In C[0, 1] let f_n(t) = t^n and f(t) = 0 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.
Does fn → f in d1
d1(fn, f) = ∫_[0,1] t^n dt =
1/{n + 1} → 0
as n → ∞. So f_n → f in d1
graph is 0 then suddenly 1, looks more and more lik right side of a square
In C[0, 1] let f_n(t) = t^n and f(t) = 0 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.
Does fn → f, in d∞?
d∞(fn, f) = max{t^n: 0 ≤ t ≤ 1} = 1 does not converge to 0 as n → ∞. So fn does not converge f in d∞
In C[0, 1] let f_n(t) = t^n and
f(x) =
{ 0 for 0 ≤ x < 1.
{1 for x=1
Does fn → f, pointwise on [0,1]
f_n converges to f pointwise on [0,1] but f is not in X[0,1] as it is not continuous at 1
Consider the discrete metric, when does a sequence converge in this metric?
d_0(x, y) =
{1 if x ≠ y,
{0 if x = y
Then x_n→ x ⇐⇒ d_0(x_n,x) → 0
d_0 is 1 or 0 so IFF d_0(x_n,x) =0 for sufficiently large n. If there is an n_0 st x_n=x for all n ≥ n_0
All convergent sequences in this metric are eventually constant. So, for example
d0(1/n, 0) does not converge to 0.
EXAMPLE pointwise convergence
f_n = 1 + x + x^2/2 +…+x^n/(n!) to
to f(x) = e^x