12) Measure theory Flashcards
Def 12.1 σ-algebra
Let X be a set. A σ-algebra R on X is a collection of subsets
of X, written R ⊆ 2^X, (Power set of X)
such that
(i) X ∈ R;
(ii) if A, B ∈ R, then A \ B ∈ R;
(x ∈ R, so X\A ∈ R) ( Ø)∈ R,
(iii) if (An) is any sequence in R, then ∪nAn ∈ R. (countable unions)
e.g. if X={a,b,c,d} one possible σ-algebra on X is
={∅, {a,b}, {c,d}, {a,b,c,d}
In general, a finite algebra is always a σ-algebra.
for a sigma algebra we will also have closure under intersections and empty sets
Whats wrong with Riemann integrals?
RI solitting using sub intervals and using areas of rectangles for an upper and lower RS to converge to the RI
However conisder us trying to measure the area of
{1 x in Q
{0 x not in Q
Q is dense everywhere
but total measure of all rationals =0
introduce lebesgue integral:
by slices of domain and consider what x’s give the function values in that range
(Def set algebra)
3 in σ-algebra replaced:
if (A_n)1 ^ m is any finite family in R, then ∪{n=1,m} An ∈ R;
as sigma implies a countable property
(Def set ring)
only 2 in σ-algebra
ii) if A, B ∈ R, then A \ B ∈ R;
(x ∈ R, so X\A ∈ R) ( Ø)∈ R,
In set theory, a ring of sets is a collection of sets that satisfies the following properties:
- Closure under finite unions: If A and B are sets in the ring, then their union A ∪ B is also in the ring.
- Closure under differences: If A and B are sets in the ring, then their difference A - B (set of elements in A but not in B) is also in the ring.
These properties make a ring of sets a useful concept in set theory and other areas of mathematics, particularly in measure theory and abstract algebra.
The main difference between a sigma algebra and a ring of sets
The main difference between a sigma algebra and a ring of sets lies in their closure properties.
A sigma algebra of sets is a collection of sets that is closed under countable unions and complementation.
On the other hand, a ring of sets is a collection of sets that is closed under finite unions and differences.
In summary, the key distinction is that a sigma algebra is closed under countable unions and complementation, while a ring of sets is closed under finite unions and differences
The ring generated by the sets {1,2} and {4,5} on the set X={1,2,3,4,5} would consist of the following sets:
- The empty set ∅
- {1,2}
- {4,5}
- {1,2,4,5}
- {3}
These sets are obtained by taking finite unions and differences of the given sets {1,2} and {4,5}. This collection of sets forms the ring generated by the given sets on the set X={1,2,3,4,5}.
The sigma algebra generated by the sets {1,2} and {4,5} on the set X={1,2,3,4,5} would consist of the following sets:
- The empty set ∅
- {1,2}
- {4,5}
- {1,2,3,4,5}
These sets are obtained by taking countable unions and complements of the given sets {1,2} and {4,5}. This collection of sets forms the sigma algebra generated by the given sets on the set X={1,2,3,4,5}.
Def σ-ring
only 2 and 3 in σ-algebra
(ii) if A, B ∈ R, then A \ B ∈ R;
(x ∈ R, so X\A ∈ R) ( Ø)∈ R,
(iii) if (An) is any sequence in R, then ∪nAn ∈ R. (countable unions)
Def R(s)
collection of finite disjoint sets is a Ring generated by semiring S:
ie minimal ring A ⊂ R(s) iff A = ⊔ A_k for k=1,…n
Pairwise disjoint
written A ⊔B
A_n ∩ A_m = Ø for n≠ m
helpful to work with these - a notion of basis
For a σ-algebra R and A, B ∈ R, we have show in R: A ∩ B =
A ∩ B
= X \ (X \ (A ∩ B))
= X \ ((X \ A) ∪ (X \ B)) ∈ R
ie intersections are also in the sigma algebra!
**Def 12.3 Semiring
A semiring S of sets is a collection such that
(i) it is closed under intersection;
(ii) for A, B ∈ S we have
A \ B = C_1 ⊔ . . . ⊔ C_N with C_k ∈ S (finite)
(any non-empty semiring contain the empty set, no complement property, basis for a ring
it is a union of finite elements)
complement property relaxed, it doesn’t need to be in the set just be a finite union of things
Def: σ-algebra generated by D
Given any collection D ⊆2^X ∃σ-algebra R S.t D ⊆ R and
st if S is any other σ-algebra with D ⊆ S then R ⊆ S
Called the σ-algebra generated by D
(to generate this we ensure it contains elements of D, is closed under complements, has the empty set, closed under unions. Closure under intersections will be true too.(
2^x power set is
a sigma algebra which contains X
we have closure under complements
complements are finite unions of disjoint sets
the intersection of a family of sigma algebras
is a sigma algebra itself
Examples of semirings: collections of intervals [a,b] on R?
semiring but not a ring
[c,d) a<c<d<b
complement of set [a,b)∪[b,d) (can represent with unions C_k in S)
[c,d) c<a<d<b
complement of set [d,b) cant be as not all in [a,b}
(semiring means it has closure under intersections. which are collections of finite disjoin unions; typically do not have additive inverses (complements) that are also in the collection so is not a ring)
Examples of semirings: collections of half open rectangles {a≤x <b, c≤ y<d }on a plane
semiring but not a ring
diagram: B not necessarily contained in A
consider A\B, which can be partitioned also by half open rectangles
Let S be a semiring
What is R(S)
The collection of all finite disjoint unions ⊔{k=1,n} Ak, where Ak ∈ S, is a ring. We call it the ring R(S) generated by the semiring S.
(ii) Any ring containing S contains R(S) as well.
(iii) The collection of all finite (not necessarily disjoint!) unions ⊔_{k=1,n} Ak, where Ak ∈ S, coincides with R(S).
to find the smallest sigma algebra containing a semiring
we form intersection of al sigma algebras containing that semiring
Let S be a semiring. Show that
(i) The collection of all finite disjoint unions ⊔
k=1 to n Ak, where A_k ∈ S, is a
This is R(S) the ring generated by a semiring S
Found by takinng finite disjoing unions in A
We show it is a ring by showing: closed udner complements for some A= union a_k B= union b_k
A\B=(union a_k)(union b_k)
A_1(B_1 union B_2)= A_1\B_1 intersection A_1\B_1
A_2(B_1 union B_2)=…
Define c_kj=A_k\ Bj
thus defined A\B as the union of C_kj
(iii) The collection of all finite (not necessarily disjoint!) unions ⊔ k=1 to n A_k,
where A_k ∈ S, coincides with R(S)
(ii) Any ring containing S contains R(S) as well.-
Def 12.6 Measure
A measure is a map µ : R → [0, ∞] defined on a (semi-)ring
(or σ-algebra) R, such that if
A = ⊔_nA_n for A ∈ R and a finite subset (A_n) of R, then
µ(A) = Σµ(A_n). This property is called additivity of a measure
measure property for empty set
µ(∅) = 0.
equiv to
There is a set A ∈ R such that µ(A) < ∞.
exercise show that they are equiv
Def 12.8 measure map is countably additive if
µ is countably
additive (or σ-additive) if for any countable infinite family (An) of pairwise disjoint sets from R such that
A = ⊔_nAn ∈ R we have
µ (A) = Σ_n µ(An).
(If the sum diverges, then as it will be the sum of positive numbers, we can, without problem, define it to be +∞)
continuity property of an additive measure
µ(Lim{n→∞}( ⊔(k=1)^n A_k)
=Lim{n→∞} µ(⊔(k=1)^n A_k)
in general when we have inf series we cant reorder terms but
we can commute limits with inf unions of measures
difference between additivity of a measure and sigma additivity
additivity of a measure:
for a disjoint union the measure s defined as the sum of measures
sigma additivity:continuity property of the measure
limit of measure commutes
(sigma additive we also have <
Defn 12.10 measure µ is
finite if
σ-finite if
A measure µ is finite if µ(A) < ∞ for all A ∈ R.
A measure µ is σ-finite if X is a union of countable number of sets X_k, such that for any A ∈ R and any k ∈ N the intersection A ∩ X_k is in R and µ(A ∩X_k) < ∞.
distribution laws (A∪B)∩C
(A∪B)∩C = (A∩C) ∪ (B∩C)
A ⊆ B B = ?⊔?
A ⊆ B B = A ⊔ (B\A)
Examples: f(x)=
{1 x ∈Q
{0 x ∉Q
defined on R
Every interval contains Q- dense
Examples: Consider a semiring S
. Show that
A =⊔{k=1,..n} of A_k A_k ∈S
B =⊔{j=1,..n} of B_j B_j ∈S
A\B from the collection of all finite disjoint unions is a ring
Diagram: Consider A₁,A₂, B₁,B₂
s.t A’s disjoint and B’s disjoint
consider n=2
A₁ (B₁⊔B₂) = A₁ \B₁ ∩ A₁ \B₂
A₂(B₁⊔B₂) = A₂ \B₁ ∩ A₂\B₂
(A_k\B_j = C_1⊔…⊔C_N )
So A\B = (⊔A_k)(⊔B_j)
for k=1,….n and j=1,…n
= ⊔{k=1,..n}[∩{j=1,…,m} (A_k)(B_j)]
= ⊔{k=1,..n}[∩{j=1,…,m}⊔{l=1,..kj}C_lkj
=⊔C_lkj which is also a semiring
Example S= {(a,b) :a<b} a,b in R
X=R is it a semiring?
1 yes Ø∈S whenever a<b there exists c∈R s.t. a<c<b 2
Example fix a∈R define µ by:
µ(A)=1 if a∈A
µ(A)=0 otherwise
Yes, this is an example of a µ, additive measure
Example: For the ring of intervals (of disjoint unions from semi ring S, The collection of intervals [a, b) on the real line;)
define µ(([a,b])=b-a on S
is it a measure? σ-additive?
Its a measure with σ-additivity, disjoint sets add length