13 - The puerperium and breast feeding Flashcards
What is the puerperium?
The time after childbirth (after placental delivery) lasting about 6-8weeks
What occurs during the puerperium?
- physiological and anatomical changes take place in the reproductive, urinary and cardiovascular systems
- The woman and her family are adjusting to parenthood and its roles and responsibilities including psychological adjustments
What are the involution of the uterus during the puerperium time?
o Returning to pre-pregnancy size
o Process lasts around 6 weeks
o Fundus cannot be palpated from 10 days after delivery as it has reduced in size to blot the symphysis pubis
o Myometrium changes
o Decidual changes as superficial layer is shed as locia and basal later remains intact and is the source of new endometrium
How does the myometrium change during puerperium?
Ischaemia – vasoconstriction and reduction of blood supply
Autolysis – self ingestion of myometrial cells
Phagocytosis – phagocytes engulf and remove waste produces of autolysis which can then be removed by the kidneys
What is lochia?
Blood loss after the baby is born
What are the characteristics of lochia?
Lochia rubra
Lochia serosa
Lochia alba
What is lochia rubra?
Up to day 3
Decidual debris
What is lochia serosa?
Up to day 10
Necrotic decidua
What is lochia alba?
Diminishes over 3-6 days
Serous fluid and leukocytes
What are the haematological changes that occur during the puerperium?
o Increase in coagulation maximising clot formation on the 1st day
o Gradual reduction in plasma volume, returning to normal 1 week after delivery
o Haemoglobin increases on the 1st day postpartum
What are the cardiovascular changes that occur during puerperium?
o Reduction to normal blood volume by 10 days
o Reduction in cardiac output after 1-2 days and returning to normal levels by 2-6 weeks
o Decrease in progesterone leads to removal of excess tissue fluid and tissues return to normal vascular tone
What are the respiratory changes that occur during puerperium?
o Reduction in compression of lungs due to reduction in uterine size
o No more shortness of breath
o Less oxygen demand as reduction in cardiac work and circulatory volume
What are the renal changes that occur during the puerperium?
o Dilation of renal tract resolves and renal organs return to pre-pregnant state
o Displaced bladder and stretched urethra return to pre-pregnant state
o Increased diuresis and excretion of breakdown products following pregnancy places extra work on kidneys
o Risk of infection if distension remains
What are the hormonal changes that occur during puerperium?
o Body quickly returns to normal hormonal state after the delivery of the placenta
o Reduction in production of oestrogen, progesterone and hPL
o Increase in prolactin and oxytocin which triggers milk production and release
What are the changes that occur in the perineum during the puerperium?
o Damage may have occurred in childbirth
o Pelvic floor exercises important to improve continence