1.3 The Neuromuscular System Flashcards
What does the autonomic nervous system regulate ?
The function of our internal organs such as the heart and also controls some of our skeletal muscles with in the body
How does the autonomic nervous system work ?
Involuntary, things take place which we do not notice
What is the movement of muscles during exercise controlled by ?
Brain via nerves
Neuromuscular system
where the nervous system and the muscles work together to allow movement
Three main types of muscle fibre
Slow oxidative (type I)
Fast oxidative glycolytic (type IIa
Fast glycolytic (type IIb)
literally means ‘with oxygen’ so it refers to exercise that is low to medium intensity where the oxygen demand of the muscles can be met
Means ‘without oxygen’ and refers to exercise at high intensity such as sprinting, where the demand for oxygen by the muscles is so high that it cannot be met.
Slow twitch fibres (type 1)
These fibres have a slower contraction speed than fast twitch fibres and are better adapted to lower intensity exercise such as long-distance running. They produce most of their energy aerobically (using oxygen)
Fast twitch fibres (Type II)
These fibres have a much faster contraction speed and can generate a greater force of contraction. However, they also fatigue very quickly and are used for short, intense bursts of effort. They produce most of their energy anaerobically (without oxygen).
Two types of fast twitch fibre and their characteristics
- Type Ila fast oxidative glycolytic - these fibres are more resistant to fatigue and are used for events such as the 1500m in athletics where a longer burst of energy is needed.
• Type Ilb fast glycolytic - these fibres fatigue much quicker than type lla and are used for highly explosive events such as the 100m in athletics where a quick, short burst of energy is needed.
Characteristics of Slow twitch muscle fibres (Type I)
Small motor neurone size
High mitochondrial density
High capillary density
Slow contraction speed (110)
Characteristics of Fast twitch type IIa muscle fibres
Large motor neurone size
Medium mitochondrial density
Medium capillary density
Fast contraction speed (50)
Characteristics of Fast twitch type IIb muscle fibres
Large motor neurone size
Low mitochondrial density
Low capillary density
Fast contraction speed (50)
Where the muscle has become bigger and stronger. (Through training)
Motor unit
A motor neurone and its muscle fibres.