1.3 Risk Factors and Good Study Flashcards
What is a Cohort Study?
Cohort Studies: A group of people are followed over time to see who develops the disease and who does not.
What is a Case-Controlled Study?
Case-Controlled Study: A group of people who have the disease (case) are compared to people who do not have the disease.
Cohort Study
Every two years the participants are asked to prove
• a detailed medical history
• undergo a physical examination and tests
• answer questions about their life style.
Cohort Study (Population)
Compare exposure to risk factors, look for correlations and draw conclusions.
Cohort Study (Risk Factor)
Group with Risk Factor: Who develops who doesn’t
Group not exposed to Risk Factor: Who develops who doesn’t
Compare outcomes and draw conclusions.
Case-Controlled Study
Take histories of exposure to risk factors in the past, compare, look for correlations and draw conclusions.
Features of a Good Study
- Clear aim.
Clearly stated hypothesis or aim.
Design of the study must be appropriate to the stated hypothesis or aim and produce results that are valid and reliable.- Representative Sample
Must be selected from the wider population
No selection bias - Valid and Reliable results
- Representative Sample
Risk Factors of CVD
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Blood cholesterol and other dietary factors
- Smoking
- Genetic inheritance
Affect of Old Age on CVD
In both sexes the prevalence of cardiovascular disease increases with age.
Can be due to the ageing on the arteries; they tend to become less elastic and may be easily damaged.
Which sex has a higher risk of CVD?
Risk of cardiovascular disease is higher for men than women in the UK.