is the process of comparing an unknown quantity with a known quantity.
Because of human and mechanical limitations, every measurement is an ___________.
__________ is a way of describing how close a measured or calculated quantity is to that of the actual (true) quantity it represents.
_________ describes to which further measurements or calculations show the same or similar results.
Precision is also called
reproducibility or repeatability
A measurement system is called valid if it is both
accurate and precise
A scientific measurement consists of a _________ and a ___________.
dimensional unit
Since the ________ is generally used in scientific work, all the instruments provided in these illustrations have a scale graduated in _________.
metric system
metric units
3 instruments used
Vernier Caliper
Micrometer Caliper
The ________ of the vernier caliper is an auxiliary scale which enables one to exactly determine some fractional part of a division on a fixed scale on which it is attached
vernier scale
When the zero line of the vernier scale coincides on any line on the fixed scale divisions, then n divisions of the vernier scale will correspond to n-1 divisions on the fixed scale.
nD = (n- 1)S or D = (n-1)S/n
__ is the length of the smallest fixed scale division
__ is the length of the smallest vernier scale division
The ___________ is the term applied to the smallest value that can be read directly from the vernier scale. It is equal to the difference between the fixed scale division and the vernier scale division:
least count (LC) = S-D = S-([n-1]/n)S = S/n
is an instrument for determining the distance between two surfaces and for indicating the value of the distance by the use of an accurate pitched screw
micrometer caliper
It measures length by translating the distance into revolutions and fractions of revolution of a known pitch.
micrometer caliper