1.3 Food Choices for a Healthy Diet Flashcards
What are the benefits of choosing a healthy diet?
Adequacy of nutrients and energy and high nutrient density
What is adequacy?
A state in which there is a sufficient amount of a nutrient or nutrients in the diet to maintain health.
What is nutrient density?
An evaluation of the nutrient content of a food in comparison to the kcalories it provides.
Explain the importance of variety, balance, moderation, and kcalorie control in selecting a healthy diet.
Choosing a varied diet is also important because there are interactions between different foods and nutrients. These interactions may be positive, enhancing nutrient utilization, or negative, inhibiting nutrient use (ex. iron with orange juice vs. iron with milk). Variety helps ensure an adequate nutrient intake.
What is portion distortion?
The increase in portion sizes for typical restaurant and snack foods, observed over the last 40 years.
Apart from nutrition, what factors can affect food choices?
Social acceptability, personal preference, psychological and emotional factors, cultural and family background, availability, health concerns, and media.
What is Kcalorie control?
Specific aspects of balance and moderation that are related to energy intake.
Ensuring that energy intake from foods balances energy expended in daily activities will ensure kcalorie control, as will moderation in food choices so that too much energy is not consumed.