13 - Dysmenorrhea & PMS Flashcards
What is menarche?
Time that a woman first has menstrual flow
What is menopause?
Cessation of menses for at least 12 consecutive months
What is peri-menopause?
- Time leading up to menopause
- Typically px experiences missed periods w/ or w/o symptoms of hypoestrogen
What is dysmenorrhea?
Pain during menstruation
When is dysmenorrhea most common?
Between ages of 20-24 y/o (decreases w/ age)
When does dysmenorrhea occur?
- Only occurs during ovulatory cycles (follicular phase)
- Usually begins w/ onset of menses (w/in first 6-12 months of menarche)
When do symptoms of dysmenorrhea begin and when do they end?
- Begin w/ onset of menses (several hours prior)
- Last 2-3 days
What are common symptoms of dysmenorrhea?
- Cramping in lower abdomen, can radiate into back and thighs
- Other sx = headache, N/V, fatigue, IBS
What can be done to stop dysmenorrhea?
Preventing ovulation, which COC’s do
The ____ phase of ovulation is the only phase that varies in length
What are the types of dysmenorrhea?
- Primary (uterine contraction often involving increased PGs)
- Secondary (pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, uterine polyps/fibroids)
What is thought to cause primary dysmenorrhea?
- Concentration of PGE2 and PGF2-alpha increase in endometrium, which correlates w/ pain severity
- Causes increase in uterine activity, strength, and frequency of contractions
What is the difference in age of onset for primary and secondary dysmenorrhea?
- Primary = typically 6-12 months after menarche
- Secondary = mid to late 20s through 30s and 40s
What is the difference in characteristics of menses for primary and secondary dysmenorrhea?
- Primary = more likely to be regular w/ normal blood loss
- Secondary = more likely to be irregular, menorrhagia more common
What is the difference in pattern and duration for primary and secondary dysmenorrhea?
- Primary = onset coincidental w/ menses; pain w/ each or most menses, lasting 2-3 days
- Secondary = vary w/ cause, change in pain pattern or intensity may indicate secondary disease
Is pain experienced at other times of menstrual cycle besides follicular phase for primary or secondary dysmenorrhea?
Secondary, may occur before, during, or after menses
Does primary or secondary dysmenorrhea respond to NSAIDs and/or OCs?
What is a uterine fibroid?
Growth of muscle inside or outside of uterus or outside of reproductive system but attached to uterus
What are risk factors for dysmenorrhea?
- Under 30 y/o
- BMI under 20
- Smoking
- Menarche before 12 y/o
- Longer menstrual cycles/duration of bleeding
- Irregular or heavy menstrual flow
- History of sexual assault
- PMS or pelvic inflammatory disease
- Sterilization
What are red flags for dysmenorrhea?
- Onset of pain more than 2 years post-menarche
- Sx occur outside of first 3 days of menses
- Change in severity of pattern of pain
- Change in characteristics of menstrual fluid
- Trial of OTC tx fails
What are the non-pharm options for dysmenorrhea?
- Heat therapy
- Lifestyle modifications (stop smoking, regular exercise, decrease fat intake)
What are some OTC options for primary dysmenorrhea?
- Analgesics (NSAIDs first line; ibuprofen or naproxen)
- Start at onset of pain/menses and continue on scheduled basis for 72 h
- 3 month trial