13, Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Developmental Psychology
Study of humans across the lifespan
Single celled organism made from sperm and egg
(first two weeks)
Child starts to look human, organs and body systems begin forming. Most miscarriages happen here
(from 2 weeks to end of 2nd month)
(2 months to birth)
Hearing works by 6 months
Last 3 months:
brain cells multiply quick
fat develops under skin
respiratory and digestive systems mature
external agents that can harm the fetus
(ex. viruses, drugs, especially sedatives, narcotics, cocaine)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
congenital problems with baby because mom had too much wine while pregnant
tobacco use makes miscarriage, stillbirth, and SIDS more likely
Rooting Reflex
baby’s head turns when cheek is touched
(‘rooting’ for nipple)
Babinsky Reflex
baby’s toes splay when bottom of foot is stroked
Moro Reflex
baby’s limbs splay when it thinks its falling
decrease in response to something when it is repeatedly there
(don’t notice a room smelling bad if you’ve been there for a while)
development reflecting the oath of your genetic blueprint
Jean Piaget
cognitive development guy
Sucking & palmar reflexes
thing in baby mouth, baby suck thing
thing in baby hand, baby grab thing
a representation model, kinda like category
adding new ideas to existing schemas
(my dog has four legs, so does that giraffe. giraffe is dog)
modifying a schema to accommodate more info
first of Piaget’s stages - up to 2 years old
child acts on objects in environment, attains object permanence
Object Permanence
realizing that something can exist even though you don
t see it
second of Piaget’s stages - from 2 to 7 yrs
able to use symbolic thought (schemas not present)
still can’t perform mental operations on them
language develops
thing changed shape but its still same amount of thing
(break a cookie into 6 pieces and I’ll still know its one cookie’s worth of cookie)
seeing world from your own point of view
people made everything
everything is alive
Theory of Mind
trying to understand others’ mental states
(people see the world differently than I do)
starts in early childhood, communication hindrance, difficulty relating to others and social cues
difficulty with change
Concrete Operational
third of Piaget’s stages - age 7 to 11 yrs
ability to perform mental operations develops
can track train of thought in reverse
(how’d I think of that)
Formal Operational
fourth of Piaget’s stages - age 12+
can use schemas, understand operations, and use these to raise theoretical questions
thinking about thinking
Erik Erikson
started studying psych across lifespan instead of just until adolescence
made stage theory of personality development
8 stages with psychosocial crises that develop one’s character
Secure Attachment
babies feel loved, secure, confident, playful, etc
mom is a secure base, don’t like is when she goes away but happy when she’s back
Insecure Attachment
anxious ambivalent/avoidant
AA is stressed about being left all the time even when mom is there
Avoidant doesn’t really care if she’s there or not
Mary Ainsworth
made the patterns of attachment theory
Permissive Parenting
few expectations and rules, divided into permissive neglectful and permissive indulgent
indulgent more loving
Authoritative Parenting
clear limits but explanations for them
Authoritarian Parenting
do what I say because I say so
Lawrence Kohlberg
made the moral development theory
Preconventional Morality
age 7 to 10
do things because I don’t want punishment and I do want rewards
Conventional Morality
age 10 to 16+
conform to societal norms of morality
follow a conscience
Postconventional Morality
not always reached
individual rights/sense of justice outweigh societal norms in decision making
Terminal Drop/Decline
swift drop in mental functioning of an old person, typically 1 to 5 years before death
verbal skill particularly drops off quick rather than a slow decline
Stranger Anxiety
baby stressed because there’s another person who’s not mom
close emotional bonds of affection between infants and caregivers
Critical Period
use it or lose it
if you don’t use some of your brain for a part of your life, you will lose the ability to ever be able to use it properly
close bond formed with first contact of another
rapid phase sensitive learning
Basic Trust
good ending of first crisis of Erikson’s model
baby think needs will be met cause mom is there
world is a good place
who we think we are
people between about 10 and 19 yrs
the time when a child goes through the most physical and hormonal changes as they become an adult
Primary Sex Characteristics
things directly involved in reproduction
(testes, ovaries)
Secondary Sex Characteristics
qualities of a person not directly involved in reproduction but derivatives of those
(voice quality, facial hair, being hot as heck)
first time a female goes through menstruation
good ending of Erikson’s third, adolescence, crisis
I know who I am as a person
good ending of Erikson’s fourth stage, early adulthood
I can be close to others
natural end of a woman’s menstrual cycle
Alzheimer’s Disease
progressive, irreversible brain disorder
deteriorates memory, reasoning, language, then physical function of a person
Cross-sectional Study
examines people of different groups at the same time, in a short space of time
Longitudinal Study
examines how individuals develop by studying the same individuals over a long period of time
contributing to society and doing things for future generations
Crystallized Intelligence
experience and knowledge; comes with time
Fluid Intelligence
quick reasoning ability
Social Clock
cultural timeline for things happening in someone’s life